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Everything posted by Fisk4rn

  1. I will never go up that much in price. Nty.
  2. I think that this is the problem because I saw it do both which made it press the wrong option.
  3. One other issue I found is that it had a hard time talking to the foreman sometimes. When using mirror client it sometimes can't interact with the foreman and I think this is because it can't find it if someone is on top of the foreman. Also I found that it sometimes presses the wrong dialog options and that it has to talk to the foreman multiple times for it to pay him correctly. All of this is with the mirror client to clarify.
  4. My bot ocationally shuts it self of because it says that it is out of iron ore even though I have 10k coal and iron ore in an empty tab
  5. Go to the market section and buy a OSBot voucher equal to the cost of the script. That is by far the easiest way.
  6. There is such a thing as .68, try that aswell
  7. With 41 mining and rune pickaxe how long would it take to get 100 nuggets? Thanks
  8. How often does it require you to buy an unlimited amount of tries? Does it usually work with just 1 try?
  9. Do you accept paypal? I would gladly buy your service if I can pay with PayPal.
  10. How many letters? Or is it a longer but cool/common word.
  11. What amount of accounts is that and what strength, crafting and agility levels to the accounts have? Thanks
  12. Isn't this exactly what you are doing with this post?
  13. Looks great! Remeber to spice it up and maybe do some quests to (hopefully) lower the banrate
  14. That truly is amazing Thanks
  15. Greast suggestion or maybe hide there posts as @Finland said.
  16. What are the profits like at that mining level?
  17. I would say caged Ogres or maybe Wyverns if you got 72 slayer.
  18. Fisk4rn

    65K/hour F2P

    It is just to bad that the F2P banrate is alot higher than P2P
  19. I would suggest not botting in F2P ever so buy membership the first thing you do.
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