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Everything posted by Fisk4rn

  1. I have ofcourse already reinstalled it atleast 5 times. I do know that but it still annoys me a lot that the official client doesn't work because it did work a couple of weeks ago
  2. No, i am using the newest version
  3. Uninstall any 64 bit java and only install 32 bit
  4. You took the words out of my mouth
  5. It is working know with browser but it still annoys me a lot that the official download client won't work!
  6. I am currently getting this issue and do not know what to do to fix it ;( edit: It is now working with only 32 bit java installed and not 64 bit!
  7. I saw know that you can use the offical browser but OSBot isnt fidning a client to attach to.
  8. I thought you had to use the offical runescape client for mirror mode to work?
  9. I want to use the mirror client and for that to work I need to run the oldschool runescape client but I can not get it to work. I have tried deleting cache, reinstalling java, reinstalling the client, repairing the client. This is the error I get whenever I try and run the client and I seriously do not know what to do. And before you ask I do not have a firewall active and I have set malwarebytes to ignore both the client and the runescape website. Both browser and OSBuddy is working for me. Any help is appreciated. Edit: I got the mirror client working now with browser client but it still bugs me a lot that the official downloadale client wont work. Any help is still appreciated!
  10. who doesn't? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. Cheese pizza ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. I dont know but it feels good to have a validated email. Why would u not have one?
  13. When making new accounts to can simply add a +1 or +2 after the mail address and you will be able to make more with one. Example: example+1@example.com or example+2@example.com both will go to example@example.com Great, thanks!
  14. I sold my account with 91+ rc and almost maxed combat and quest cape for 135m. I thought I made a good deal and 200m is a like winning on the lottery.
  15. After a name change you have go wait 35 days until the name becomes available for anyone else. First 28 days because it is kept so the person who change the name has a change go change his mind or if he/she would have gotten hacked and the hacker changed it. After that another 7 days for extra security.
  16. If I would make 10 account and they all are made with the same email. Would they get flagged or chain banned faster than of I would make them using separate emails?
  17. Sounds great! Will probably try out a trial on a couple of days if possible. Will let you know when
  18. Does this work well with mirror client?
  19. All your scripts, @ProjectPact, make me want to bot so bad. I got to buy vip soon and make some f2p accounts :P
  20. I dont think that Weath is even near the people he is banning. He probably just watches the logs and so on in the system so it would be pointless.
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