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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by DyQuest

  1. IM THE FASTEST REGICIDE QUEST GUY DOER. -except actually waiting for regicide to start cus that aids quest takes 381 hours to get the kings message-
  2. Can do this for you no problem. Let me know here or on skype live:dynastyquests
  3. 6.5m for it. You can find a list of my quest prices here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JZd-guWQaQPp3FqUijHWDInYOqGJOZ_jS8zbkzHA3bY/edit#gid=0
  4. 7.75m for Regicide quest line. 12.85m for RFD quests. Can be lower depending on agility level and combat stats. You can find a list of all my quest prices here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JZd-guWQaQPp3FqUijHWDInYOqGJOZ_jS8zbkzHA3bY/edit#gid=0
  5. Already got this one lads.
  6. Looking to get Bones to Peaches from MTA. Drop prices and/or contact me on skype/pm. Can pay with osgp or work trade.
  7. You've used me before Hit me up boss man
  8. 1. Yes, only important noncombats. Agility, slayer, thieving, construction. Faster run energy is important and obstacles in wilderness, slayer for certain equipment, thieving shortcuts, construction for a decked out house. 2. Quests are 100% important to me but I say that as a quester. I would never ever buy or create an account that didn't have perfectly quested stats. My current 1 def pure has 198 quest points right now and still not done. 3. Only ardy easy diary, wilderness ones, and varrock easy. Varrock body is best 1 def body slot. 4. Yes and no. Graceful is nice to have but not necessary. Skilling outfits I dont give a shit about for pures. HOWEVER, minigame/quest outfits are prime. C wars gear, ghostly, etc.
  9. Add my skype and we can discuss things.
  10. I have a close to max ags addy daddy that can be turned into a main easily Mucho quests complete and all relevant untradebles acquires (fire cape, halo, cwars, god books, etc)
  11. Lol. You coulda just multiquoted all of us and said your discord name once.
  12. I have a very high level ironman and know my way around the gamemode quite well. Willing to knock out any quests ya need. Hit me up.
  13. Obv not maxed but hella quests complete, almost all the untradeables, 85 construction for a fully stacked house
  14. If you need the quests still I'd be glad to take them on. However, not the agility part because that's absolute cancer.
  15. If you still need this let me know. Add me on skype and I can quote you, discount of course since it's a fairly large order.
  16. Used to work very well for me a few months ago. Now it just sits after dropping coal off for addy bars.
  17. Nothing fancy but has 150 qp. EDIT: omybad. just saw 90+ combat. This only 76. Was working on 70/70/70 and 70 prayer before i stopped using it.
  18. I've got a bunch all hand trained and quested. Attack xp fully quested of course. Cant have filthy pleb accounts under my name. As you can see, I really like Gmaulers and f2p pures
  19. Ye a clan Ive been in since forever lul. Started in tp and then a bunch of extp went into Dy hello
  20. Grab my skype in my signature. Let me know what quests you have complete and your stats. I can personalize a package for you to get b gloves in the quickest fashion possible. Have done many big b glove orders if you check my feedback.
  21. Im literally the mith glove king around these parts. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124344-new-mith-glove-speedrun-record-357/
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