Err. Anyone know how I could buy stuff with coinbase monies? I jumped into the hype in November and was at like $40 profit.
But with the recent crash I'm now down $20 lul. Wanting to buy some GP with it but tbh idk how any of this shit works in terms of crypto.
If anyone has GP to sell in trade for crypto and doesn't mind showing me the ropes. Greatly appreshd.
So i just recently posted about getting slapped with a perm on my 1800+ total main with over 200m+ bank.
now they fkn slap me irl with a perm ban on my car lul.
They repo'd it and now I cant get it back until like the end of march.
ffs someone just fucking ags spec me irl and end my misery.
well i cant login which means account deletion.
either rwt or botting xd. like i said, im retarded since i dont use a mule, and im retarded since i bot on my main, and im retarded since i bot on my main with all of my gp on it megalul
got fucking ripped my dudes. 200m+ bankerino. 1800 total level.
pwnd xd
i was just about to xfer wealth over to my pure as well. sad days my dudes.
tldr im retarded
Do waterfall quest.
Use addy dagger p++ until poisoned. Use addy 2h until low hp. Kill with silverlight.
Trust, is fastest way. Speedrun mith gloves countless times.
Fire bolt
Max hit: 12 (can be increased to 17 with Smoke bstaff, chaos gaunts, and occult, 18 with sotd, and 27 with tome of fire)
Cost: 94-129~
Water blast
Max hit: 14
Cost: 240-255~