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  1. Could you add mouse and keyboard input hotkeys back? It was so nice thing to have and I still keep pressing them and hoping it would work
  2. Patrick said this will be fixed in the next release (post is in this thread)
  3. Someone already mentioned about the bot breaking instantly (for 0 seconds) when starting a script but I didn't see any responsed to it so I'm just posting it again. After starting a script (Script Factory in this case) the bot instantly goes to "Break mode", logs out and logs back in.
  4. Some scripts have build in break timers and those will overwrite osbot's breaks.
  5. Well not really an issue but it was nice when you could see mined ores and exp rate/gained on the same tab. Everything useful fit into the one tab.
  6. Is there a reason why you moved xp/h to another tab?
  7. Seriously

    Stealth NMZ

    Restarted script only or the actual client? Mirror mode will pretty much commit sudoku after few hours if you don't restart it.
  8. Vein selection is a great update. Could you change walking from ladder to hopper? Hopper is pretty much always be visible on the screen when you go down the ladder but the script will click minimap first and then click the hopper. Bug: If you load your setting multiple times, those green transparent vein markers will turn less transparent every time and finally turn into solid green tile markers and it will cause noticeable lag on client. Those solid green markers won't disappear even if you restart the script.
  9. Script keeps moving camera around if Ardy knight isn't visible (someone is standing on him). It keeps changing the camera angle once per second. It will stop moving the camera after few minutes but it will change mouse position after every click. Everything works fine when the knight is visible. Mirror mode
  10. Yes it supports dodgy necklaces. You need to be atleast VIP to run more than two(?) accounts at the same time.
  11. You literally build a script yourself = you have to make the "antiban"
  12. @Tom Could you add Infernal eel fishing? Requiments are: 80 fishing Oily fishing rod Fishing baits Hammer Ice gloves Access to Mor Ul Rek (fire cape)
  13. Could you add second yew spot to the woodcutting guild? There are 3 yews and a deposit box at the east entrance.
  14. Is it really necessary to check herb sack every time you get a new herb? Is there a way to make it stop using herb sack once it's full? ..or maybe you could just make toggle for it so I could manually use it instead of having the script fill+check every time Well.. Jagex just updated the herb sack
  15. There are like two settings that affect the exp rate: dodgy necks and wait timer (slider). Also I probably have ardy diary (2) done
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