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Everything posted by Qubit
choose a real thesis that will get you a job after university...
Its supposed to be a wine glass and a beer bottle, obviously i'm not that artistically inclined. 300 x 300 px
Currently working on a school project that is going okay. We were given assigned groups, which is always an L. Anyway the person in our group who said he was good with HCI/UX/UI is utterly trash. I am decent with it myself but I have been working with all the backend of the application. Since he's trash at his role, I want to outsource it. Looking for favorably a fxml layout of the scene below. If not a mock up would be alright, be it that component images be provided. The project is supposed to be modeled around the scheme from this website https://www.ttbonline.gov/colasonline/publicSearchColasBasic.do . But it's ugly as fuck so do what you want with colors and shit. While doing a mockup be noted, that a menu bar and account /name will be added to all scenes. I just want a mockup with a color scheme or some nice display, so I can have something to go off of when coding and redesigning the UI.
In School For Web Dev, Site I made for entertaining videos [470]
Qubit replied to Lone's topic in Spam/Off Topic
Didn't know you could go for school for web dev. Anyway dope! Keep up the hard work. -
Good Sentiment Analysis libraries or techniques for Python
Qubit replied to Qubit's topic in Software Development
bitch eat a dick -
Looking for a good way to analyze strings of data to determine if they are negative or postive. Came across this http://text-processing.com/demo/sentiment/ but it seems many of the negative words inputted are seen to be neutral. Idk maybe I might be bias but if you wanna, try it out and tell me what you think
Learn how to actually code... got enough shit coders, if you would even call them that, in this community. Get a good book and read through it and do the projects they give.
i saw the thread title on the side. I was hoping you were gonna say you got a bitch knocked up. :\ Maybe next time
Easy way to detect bots - don't do this scripters
Qubit replied to Reveance's topic in Botting & Bans
I would like to see someone record their clicks and times and see if it comes out to a normal distribution at all and its level of kurtosis or skewedness... -
already been confirmed m8. rip tho
[Serious] Your friendly Black Member part 2 [Dear White People Triggering]
Qubit replied to Qubit's topic in Spam/Off Topic
no you're retarded. :P -
what is the most stupid way you got suspended from school/college?
Qubit replied to DEMONTIME's topic in Spam/Off Topic
jokingly slapping my friend.. 3 days of suspension. girl splattered paint on her during ceramic class, i laughed, teacher yelled at me and told me to pick up all the paint and clean the girls shirt. I said no and she told me to get out her class, I told her i wasn't her slave so okay *im the only black person in my school so it was pretty funny', 5 days of in school detention. -
someone help me !java.lang.outofmemoryerror:GC overhead limit exceeded
Qubit replied to PurpGaming's topic in General Help
The script someone has a wonderful memory leak. -
The Union went to war with the South, in order to keep the Union together. Slavery became a factor of it while the war began, but wasn't the main intention of the Union. The South try to recede because of the restrictions, tariffs, and trade the Union tried to impose on them, as they believed the Union did not properly represent them. Nevertheless the fact that Civil War debating was fought of slavery doesn't add any substance to your argument because as I merely before, laws like Jim Crow law were implemented and it is quite evident Blacks were not in total accepted by the people. By the way, tell me else where I made up a lie. When blacks are stopped more than whites, arrested more than whites, sentenced longer than whites, that is systematic racism. Officers enforce the law of the country. If they are being racially bias by implication, the system is inherently racist. All in all you keep moving your argument after I keep debunking it. You began with, no blacks are oppressed and it doesn't affect us today, to individually saying that I am oppressed. Secondly you have this idea that only the government can oppress a group of minorities. Which is totally wrong as people and society can oppress people too.
They were preschoolers. I can give you anecdotal examples of my family, e.g My grandpa because of the shitty economic status blacks were given, my moms dad and grandpa were impoverished and built a house out of debris from the 1938 hurricane in NE. At the age of 17 my grandpa got sent to war having to fight for a country that hated an oppressed blacks, he and others were treated like shit and given the bare minimum. My great uncle survived pearl harbor and was injured and never returned the war, came back to a country the refused to respect him, give him a chance, or give him a job. Nevertheless, jim crow law, wildly active and blacks were publicly oppressed. My parents all through they're life up until the late 90's was racially discriminated against. Refused to given jobs, beaten, chased with chainsaws, jumped, pulled over by cops for no reason, beaten by cops. Luckily my parents were able to obtain an education at state universities. There is much more to this, but again it is quite anecdotal and doesn't qualify as much. I was lucky enough to be in a better position than other blacks in this country. Lucky enough my parents were able to provide me with proper education by moving me to a private school, where I was harshly discriminated against by my peers and teachers. I transferred private school twice because of this. I've only been in a white dominated school my whole life, I've been ostracized by many for my skin color many times. Pulled over by cops for nothing. Chased down through a park in an undercover vehicle for no reason. My father is in law enforcement and because of that, I've been able to avoid many encounters with police. Now remind you, where I am, is because of the hard work and determination my parents received. A part of it, was luck. Many blacks are not given the opportunities I have today because of a systematic and social oppression from whites not to long ago bro. As we all know most problems in the world are inherited by social economics problems. Which is why the cycle of poverty is so evident, in the whole world. Currently I go to a top 15 STEM university in the country, I am pursing a B.S in Computer Science and 2 minors in Discrete Math and Data Science and plan on furthering my education after that. Through my hard work and dedication I probably still wouldn't be in the position I am today. With the help of my parents, minority progressive centers, private donors for scholarships and more, I wouldn't even be closely to the position I am today. Don't tell me I live a victim-hood complex when you don't know me or the things I or my family have gone through or nevertheless what many blacks in this country have gone through. Your arrogance is part of the root of why we are in this position today. There is much more stories and examples I can give you, but I think this should suffice.
My uncle was put on the front lines of vietnam for being black, my grandpa went through the jim crow law, my great grandpa went through partial slavery, my parents lived through the jim crow law. So yea, it does affect me. My family worked 100 of times harder than an average white person to be where I am, it does affect me.
No dude it's not.... Again you just spewing far right shit you hear on forums. I don't think anyone believes that welfare programs actually help many people, or are even targeted to help improve the status of minorities, wtf? Your just dumb, yea you got me im a leftist because Im not blind to the fact that people have been oppressed Slavery ended 150 years ago, Sharecropping ended 60 years ago, Jim crow laws ended 60 years ago.. Yea dude no affect whatsoever on me or my family.
Yea, dude... I mean you don't want to look at the causation because you've already made up your mind. Do you expect an already impoverished oppressed group of individuals, who are paid less than whites by ~12% when having the same position and all variables controlled, to some how make a shit ton of money and solve their current socially economic position in the country, tf? I am facing the facts but you refuse to look deeper into that. Go back to r/pol Also another problem you are right shitheads, who tf said im a leftist and I like Bernie. I identify as a Christian Libertarian, sorry we all cant be far right authoritarian shitheads without any education or empathy. BTW I voted for Kasich in the primarias if that means anything
Wow you got it all solved right? Your examples are completely anecdotal and do not conform to the norm. You really think because 20% of the population vote for Obama, the country must be free of any racism. If you honestly think hundreds of years of systematic oppression will be solved in 60 years, you are just dumb. I don't see how you can expect all that opression to be fixed within 1-2 generations fam. The main factor that contributes to the shitty black culture is the social economics of the black community. Which entail can be points back to the obvious, the hundreds of years of oppression dude. Why do you think blacks are in ghettos maybe it might be because 10-30 years ago the government and the country only sold them housing in such areas.. You are completely arrogant and ignorant to skip over the causation of many of the problems so talk about. Which makes me more certain you just sit on far right wing forums and spew shit you hear from others.
Your statement is not a good comparison. But elaborating into it more, yeah the courts are sexiest towards men. That isn't a problem, doesn't mean the race issue is not a problem either. But going into a deep level of analysis onto why this is not a good comparison. I don't remember the Country enslaving men for being men for hundreds of years, I don't remember they're being systematic racism against men, I don't remember hundreds of people being lynched for being men, I don't remember they're being any equivalence of jim crow law in this country. Hundreds of years of oppression, while there still being people who lived through it alive and you're gonna tell me that shit aint racism. Bruh you don't wanna see it because you already made up your mind, horrible comparison.
Yea, so because i'm black, I deserve a harsher punishment because other black people commit crimes, great logic. Okay? I didn't know we were talking about gender, nevertheless I'm pretty sure being male or female isn't mutually exclusive with being black. But that statement offers no credibility to your argument whatsoever... You sound like to copy and paste shit off of alt right forums, please don't tell me my arguments are bad when you can't even properly argue.