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Everything posted by Qubit

  1. method is undefined script.getInventory().getItems() worked will that complete the same task.? Thank you soo much!
  2. I created a gui class for my script. The only problem is I have a button in the gui that uses an action listener class that when pressed calls inventory.getItems() .. but it tells me that inventory is not a defined variable.. how would I pass the items[] into the gui when my button is called... yes i know it is not supposed to say sout, it is used for a debug in the main .. yes i will change it to log later
  3. One problem that can succumb from this is pking.. If you are being attacked your most likely going to get attacked by a hybrid. How would you protect yourself from melee and magic at the same time>? Even if the bot detected at what time it was being attacked by, it would be to slow to react, would it not? or are you go, "niqqa im out of here", book it, eat and pray?
  4. you might be more successful with this on another forums like hf.. I don't really see anyone around here using btc
  5. They might be saving to ban to you for a ban wave.. The purpose of a ban wave is to one not know which scriipt bans you and to, to make more money from membership to keep drawing you back to the game. If you got banned everyday no one would bot and they wouldn't make any money
  6. neither.. I would also ask if you would refrain from using such language as I find it quite offensive, especially when my twin brother has down syndrome and is mentally retarded.
  7. only have 13 wins lol
  8. lets just say botting without out mirror raises ur chance of being caught by 1000%
  9. wait you got all those stats in one day?
  10. that would be a hella fun job to just watch over bug abusers
  11. thanks i was thinking about doing the same thing to so :P, what script did you use to bot hunter. I don't know any that support mirror?
  12. maxed all day, i love pvp and pvm
  13. I know some schools at server classes let you setup servers off of their network and extra servers. I thought would be funny to see someone use all the students servers to rent vps or bot on... Has anyone done this?
  14. to be honest i miss that time just to play for real because that was when the game was actually good
  15. frosthunter, ran that on 3 accounts for like 3 months
  16. dont think there will ever be a built in proxy function..
  17. mirror client waterfall quest bot
  18. well im on a 3 game winning streak so i may be one soon..
  19. all the other fricken bots get u banned in 3 minutes
  20. maywether talks mad shit, he needs to get knockedout Pacquiano!!!
  21. 5 Maldesto's, 8 words in maldesto , 8/9 = 1, 9-8 = 11, 11 - 07 = 4, 1 maldesto , 4-1 = 3 half life 3 confirmed
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