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Everything posted by Qubit

  1. I am really pissed off, obviously the title says it i was deferred. I don't want to go to any other school although i got into wpi, wit, and rit. *computer science major*. I really wanted to go their. Do you guys have any ideas of what i can do or send them to grab their attention and accept me? Deferred - A person applies to early action but the admissions official delays the application to be pooled with the regular decision applicants.
  2. All of my bans have been like that.
  3. It automatically adds to your accounts sdn. So all you have to do it open the client, login in, start up the game, go to designated area of botting, press run click your bought bot on the list.
  4. For some reason it would accept a complex password with crap like !@%8$dwDwd6 etc..
  5. yes but i stopped botting 3 months before i took a break
  6. Well I am also wondering if it is detectable. As I stated in my recent post I was banned a day after coming back from a break of osrs. I played legit but on the osrs client for the first day then the next I was banned. So im also assuming that when you membership is renewed your account is watched extensively.
  7. yes, i was perm banned then wouldn't i have been banned when i first logged in the day i bought the membership?
  8. As usual I took a long break from osrs. I just came back and bought a membership for my main account. I logged on through osbot client because I hate the browser one and I deleted rsbuddy and didn't feel like downloading it again. I talked to a friend for a while and killed some moles with him to get some nests, then I logged off. Then I logged back on the next day, disconnected. Checked account status and said that day I was charged with 3 accounts of macroing. I know 100% I wasn't hacked. So this leaves me questioning what the hell happened. If you think you know reply
  9. In AP Computer Science, my teacher is a bitch and ignores me when i ask about Java content that we she has not taught in class yet. So i was wondering what are these keywords,enum,try,catch,exception. If you could show me what it does and its purpose through a snippet of code with comments that would be great. I can say speaking for most Java newbs tutorials and books dont really go in depth of the true purpose and use of these phrases. All books and tutorials usually do is say.. put this keyword here because you have too. So if you wouldn't mind helping me out with there phrases i would be so grateful and happy.
  10. that was the problem.. thanks!!
  11. I still get an error on Area(1,2,3,4); saying cannot define constructor
  12. i can't seem to get these to work, would be nice if someone were to explain why they dont work. Ex: ///////////////////////////////////Im getting error on Area ---- Area is undefined if(Area(1,2,3,4).contains.myPosition(){ //code } //////////////////////////////////// Im getting errors on .getRunEnergy() ---says change method receiver cast if(myPlayer().getRunenergy() > random(25,50){ myPlayer().setRunning(true); } //////////////////////////////////// Im getting error on walk ----- method walk i undefined Position BANK = new Position(random(3092,3097), random(3240, 3246), 0); walk(BANK);
  13. which is syntactically correct if(!getInventory().isFull()){ or if(!client.getInventory().isFull()){
  14. I botted 3 babysit-ted hours of apa rock crabs.
  15. Ight, lulz no more botting for me main... i guess he is officially flagged -__-
  16. What the hell happened, so since almost every script on osbot 2 is is premium, and i haven't bought any is decided to go on orion and play. So i hop on and log in, then maybe 40 seconds later i get dced and says i need to look at message centre. The message centre says moderate bot use and says it was committed today. I haven't used a bot a 3-4 days. Is this normal? I mean i would have expected to recieved the ban before i logged in not when i logged in?? Or is Orion snitchen to Jagex and is looking at peoples history and programs. Damn snitches.... lulz
  17. Ok, if you remember me a few months ago a posted a thread about me striving to fulfill my dream of scripting... *exaggeration*. But i said i was taking a programming concepts class in the summer which i nearly done with and AP Java (Computer Science) senior year this fall in high-school. I have learned in python/ pseudo code Modules Input, processing, and output decision structures and boolean logic repetition structures functions And by the end of July i should learn Input validation arrays sorting and searching arrays files menu driven programs text processing recursion object oriented programming Gui application and even driven programming This class will end before i start school back up in fall, which i conclude will probably go over mostly what i have learned. So should i be able to learn scripting by the end of July or should i learn the lingo of Java and then further my knowledge from where this class ends,, and begin it in the textbook i will receive for my AP JAVA class. If you dont understand what im saying. Should i wait to start learning to script bots and keep learning more? All responses are welcome and appreciated. I understand every person who responds puts time and effort in to their replies so i would like to thank you fore hand for every reply I receive. - Javant
  18. Well ty for the feedback......
  19. I'm short ten cents for arma 2 PMC dlc, they have a deal this weekend so is there any other way to get that ten cents?
  20. I've owned multiple servers... Survival is better i
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