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Scripter II
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Everything posted by ez11

  1. ngl wouldnt look too bad with just the logo on it
  2. stop posting random shit to farm pc
  3. ez11


    Everyone gets to do what they think is the best. But in the end having a script that isnt broken is still the best "antiban"
  4. And @Czar really thinks those are potential customers
  5. ez11


    UPDATE V1.1: Added custom refill settings to the script. Just set the lower and upper boundaries for the refill threshold and the script will refill when the number of cannonballs in your cannon is lower than a random value below the 2 boundaries you set. By default the script will still refill when the cannon is empty. EDIT: update is now live
  6. ez11


    thats what i assume is the most logical but im just going to add another option this weekend. So if you want the pseudo antiban you can use it
  7. everything above the average is free. But the next guy after him is gonna pay more
  8. ez11


    Based on my expierence I think its just pseudo antiban. But if thats what people want im going to add an option to randomize refilling. Would be on my to-do-list for the weekend. You just have to keep in mind. Looking like a bot on your screen doesnt translate to jagex detecting you as a bot. If you look the screen while any script is running you will notice that it wont be humanlike.
  9. ez11


    Isnt that 0.52USD? Thats around the same price it has always been
  10. ez11


    is that the original bogla or the one that just had to close bogla+arcus?
  11. Hey mod weath if you read this check out my scripts. Links are in my sig
  12. ez11

    Bot manager

    you should just post in the topic so explv can see your question and other people can also see the answer
  13. ez11


    Fully afk training = low interactions with the game = very little chance for jagex to pick you up as a botter. I have been running very well with this strategy and overall I believe with public scripts most users prefer being safe over slightly more exp per hour.
  14. ez11


    does anyone actually focus on his cannon when hes afk training? Pretty sure being too active for an activity like this is gonna stand out more than letting the cannon run out. Keep in mind legit players who cannon with runelite only refill when they hear the warning that their cannon is empty. So my script does pretty much that
  15. never been banned for that but it can always happen
  16. bogla is gone no more price dumping
  17. 1. You are literally hovering over the randomize bot/break time button in your first screenshot? Im not sure what else you are asking for 2. Not having "random" breaks is 100% not whats causing you to get banned
  18. ez11


    Buy here: Features: This script allows you to train early range levels as fast and efficient as possible or to create very strong low hp pures due to the cannon not giving hitpoints expierence! The script will setup your cannon at the desired location, refill when empty and repair it when it is broken. Once you run out of cannonballs it will pick up the cannon and end the script. You can choose from several popular preset locations (check below for a list) or set your own location via the GUI. You can save your custom locations and simply load them when starting the script again. You can choose a custom refill threshold to appear more humanlike (by default the script will refill the cannon when empty). This refers to how many cannonballs should be in the cannon to trigger the script to refill. The script will pick a random number between the boundaries you set and if your cannon has less cannonballs remaining than this number the script will refill your cannon. Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides High alchemy support! NOTE: Alching makes the script interact with the game a lot more often than just refilling the cannon and waiting. So make sure you adjust your botting/breaking ratio to account for this change in activity to ensure minimal bans. Requirements: Dwarfcannon set + Cannonballs in inventory. Dwarfcannon quest completed. Start script at cannon location. 55 Magic and runes to Alch. Items that you want to alch should be put on the inventoryslot that lines up with the location of the high alch spell. How Cannoning works and why you dont need ranging pots: The Dwarf multicannon always has a maxhit of 30, regardless of your stats, equipment or boosts. This is why cannoning is so good to train early range levels. The accuracy of your cannon is based on the accuracy of your selected attackstyle (staves count as meele weapons and being unarmed counts as using a crush weapon). This means to maximize your accuracy it might be better to wear a 2H sword instead of wearing a ranged weapon, if your range level is not high enough to wear the higher level crossbows. This means that your range level/accuracy or any range boosts have zero impact on your cannons accuracy if you dont wear a ranged weapon. As mentioned your maxhit is always capped at 30 regardless of your stats, and since your succesful hits will always roll a random number between 0 and your max hit (in this case 30) using boosts only changes the accuracy of your cannon. The accuracy of your attacks is based on your attackroll (based on your equipment, stats and boosts) against the targets defense roll (which is going to be low for the monsters you cannon). Your accuracy starts off high and as a result increasing your accuracy gives you dminishing returns. Your average hit is calculated as: (Maxhit * accuracy) / 2. In practice this means using a ranging potion at 61 range with a rcb + pure setup your accuracy & exp/h will be increased by less than 1.7%. At 80 range with a light ballista and a pure setup your accuracy & exp/h will be increased by less than 1% when using a ranging potion. TLDR: Max hit of cannon is always the same, accuracy starts off high and has diminishing returns = pots are not worth it. More information can be found here: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Combat#Damage_calculating How to start this script using your own custom locations (step by step and Video guide in the spoiler): List of preset locations: Ogres east of Castle wars Ogres at the Combat Training Camp north of Ardougne Hill giants at the Shayzien graveyard on Zeah If you have any locations you would want to see added to this list just let me know! Trials: Like this post and comment to get a Trial! Trials only for VIP/Sponsor users Contact/Bug reports: If you have any specific questions or would like to report a bug please send me a detailed message on this forum. For bug reports please include details on how to reproduce the bug if possible. Pictures (post your own and I will add them here!): updates: - v1.1: added custom refill threshold - v1.2: Script automatically upgrades ranged gear if you have them in your inventory: studded gear + coif -> snakeskin + boots and bandana -> green/blue/red/black d hides - v1.3: Script will hop worlds if there is already another cannon in your world until it finds an open world (relevant when starting the script or when logging back in after a break) - v1.4: added some failsafes so script wont stop because the client loads the inventory to slow after logging in - v1.5: Added high alchemy support. - v1.6: Improved worldhopping - v1.7: small fix because of api changes
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