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  1. I would love an auth if it was available, please
  2. Having same problem The two SOCKS5 proxies that i own don't allow me to create an account in browser.... I did have 1 account on both of them banned previously though so i'm assuming that's why
  3. Castlewars is probably quicker, its only for the pool (but i dont really mind that much) There seems to be a lot of required combat training to use abyss properly so i'd love to see the nature alter with necklace of passage fairy ring implemented
  4. Khal, Would it be possible to add ferox enclave banking? As well as this, i would love to see fairy ring support for nature alter (necklace of passage wiz guild or ardy cloak 1)
  5. None of the Tinyurl pics working Would you please mind fixing so i can follow guide?
  6. Can i have a trial please Khal
  7. Where is the best place to begin selling accounts with no reputation? I'm new to botting and interested in selling accounts like these! Any suggestions for me?
  8. Agility script logs me out after a few obstacles?
  9. Could i please get a trial for the agility bot? Haven't botted in a looooooong time but i freakin hate agility and might go for 90-99 on an account ? Thanks
  10. Scammed me just before he left lol

    1. keithrocks


      I love you to? :o

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