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Everything posted by FeelsGoodMan

  1. The bot is still down btw guys
  2. Keep up the good work@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. How is that even possible for a separate machine entity with no personality or free uncontrolled will to smoke a bong?
  4. He was clarifying for kahba who said "whyy"
  5. um coz he's a fuck? lol didn't you see the link
  6. ehhhhhhhhhhh, im sure many other people have been pmed by him but look: http://gyazo.com/30075b4600f0ef5e00063db41de96341
  7. Nah man I know where you're coming from BUT ITS NOT MY BUTT CRACK ITS THE ACTUAL ANUS GLANDS THAT ITCH!
  8. Verified you're such a bonghead man...
  9. Too fucking right. Also: fuck off all you pussies crying about kids seeing drugs on forums, kids are already corrupted anyway since they are on the internet lol. (Unless their parents monitor their internet usage, kids are gonna be looking at drugs, pornography and a whole load of other shit whilst on the web out of pure curiosity)
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