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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. The user has been banned. Sorry for your loss. If they ever wish to return, they must refund you the money they stole.
  2. The user has been banned. Sorry for your loss. If he ever wishes to return, he must refund everyone he has scammed.
  3. There is honestly no proof that it gets you banned easier or anything like that. I use it and have had no problems. I have 2 accounts, both higher than black chin hunting in under 48 hours with one tick on and have had no problems.
  4. Make sure you disable input. Go to settings on the top right corner of the bot and disable input
  5. @Units If not paid within the time I check again, you will be banned. Send proof after payment.
  6. @xnefoo any update on payment? If not, the user will be banned. Thanks, PP
  7. I'm sorry, the user has been banned. If he ever wishes to return, he must pay for the script he purchased.
  8. The user has been banned. If he ever wishes to return, he must pay everyone back that he scammed.
  9. Love the script! Would recommend to anyone needing some fishing levels up!
  10. -1 for not speaking with me first before posting a thread.
  11. The user has been banned. I'm sorry for your loss. I would fight it against PayPal. Call them, it is better I personally think. If this user ever wishes to return, they must pay everyone, including yourself, back.
  12. @Units You have under 24 hours to pay him FULL. I don't give a flying shit if it costs you a fee to refund him his money. You shouldn't have tried scamming him in the first place. Your time starts now.
  13. I've placed @phony in TWC and asked him to reply here. I've also got Zach pulling up the logs from the chatbox. I heard a lot of others reporting this as well. So we will look into it. @phony I know you posted another message in the dispute section, but I'm going to close it, just reply here.
  14. The user has been banned, and will have to pay everyone back if he ever expects to return.
  15. I banned the user. If he ever wishes to return, he can refund you and the other users he charged back.
  16. I have requested @Units to reply here and placed him in TWC.
  17. I have requested @Units to reply here.
  18. Hopefully soon! Just doing my last test runs before it goes out MAKE SURE IF YOU HAVE JOINED ALREADY, TO CHECK OUT MY DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/6F7x6pR
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