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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hey, That's pretty weird. The item that you alch should not make a difference, so long as you spell it correctly (might be case sensitive, can't remember, but enter the exact name as it appears to be sure). If you open the console, it should give the reason for the script stopping. This should tell you if it is the item that the script cannot find, or the runes. It may well be an issue related to mirror mode - this mode is known to be unreliable at the best of times I'd strongly suggest switching over to stealth injection either way. If you experience this issue again, please could you let me know what is logged in the console so I can pinpoint the issue and let you know if there's something I can do about it As for missing marks of grace, this is also worrying but may well be solved by switching from mirror to SI. Apa Certainly, trial activated Apa Hey, Unfortunately random dismissal is handled by the client so there's nothing I can do about this personally I'd suggest unchecking 'dismiss randoms' in the client settings if this is causing a serious problem Cheers Apa
  2. Glad that helped I'd like to make a UI tutorial at some point, but i'm a little pushed for time at the moment. The good thing about making a GUI is it is not specific to OSBot scripts. The UI code and indeed the way this code links to your script is very generic and as such all tutorials that you can find online should be relevant. Key words to google are 'Java swing gui'. A simple initial way to get the two classes to communicate is by using static variables (although note that this solution is not very elegant and goes against object oriented principles). A better way would be for your script class to create a GUI class and call corresponding getter methods in said class. Good luck! Apa
  3. Thanks for the screenshot! As for number keys, I didn't realise that these can be used to select cooking options but i've taken note of this and will perhaps get around to adding it in the future - thanks for letting me know! Apa
  4. Hey, Are you using a tome of fire (or the new nature rune staff)? The script currently doesn't support these items so perhaps stick to a fire staff in the mean time Apa
  5. Hey, This will cook all the individual ingredients e.g the pizza base etc, however the script doesn't support any combination stuff so it can't put the pizzas together. Apa Sure - trial activated!
  6. Sure - both trials activated -Apa
  7. Hmm, The script will check if you have the quests completed in order to access the course. Are you sure that you've done priest in peril and or that you're already starting within canifis? Otherwise this suggests the quest checks are not working for some reason, which is worrying. Apa
  8. Replied on https://osbot.org/forum/topic/61445-apa-scripting-emporium/?page=177&tab=comments#comment-1793444 Cheers Apa
  9. Unfortunately, as is the case with all other scripters, I am not allowed to offer trials to users whose OSBot accounts are under a week old (this is an OSBot rule to help prevent trial farmers). Sorry about that - please come back in a week! -Apa
  10. Glad you got the dropping sorted! Although it is weird that just calling 'drop' doesn't shift drop as well.. As for banking, you would want to use the banking API: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Bank.html Try something like getBank().depositAll(); gl! Apa
  11. Hi both, trials activated Thanks for stopping by Apa
  12. Hmm, interesting idea. I'll add this to my list of things to add in the future Apa
  13. Sure - trial activated !
  14. Hmm.. and this is with Stealth Injection? Apa Thanks for letting me know. I thought I calibrated the reset paths to be long enough but perhaps this one is too close to the boundary. I'll extend it for you -Apa Sure ting, activated
  15. Hey, It looks like the trial request didn't go through as it seems you've already had a trial with expiry timestamp 2018-08-17 20:54:29 UTC. Unfortunately i'm not allowed to grant multiple trials to users who already got to use the script- hopefully this makes sense! -Apa
  16. Super weird, does it just misclick once or continuously get confused? I can't seem to re-create this on my end Apa
  17. Hey, This is annoying I thought the banking API would handle this but I guess not. I'll forward this on to the developers when I have a spare second. Thanks Apa
  18. Hey, Thanks for letting me know. This is really strange behaviour, it could well be due to the game update but that is unlikely. Sometimes the script can misclick when resources are throttled (this is to be expected). From the gif you sent, the frame rate is really low. Is this the frame rate that the script is running at, or just the recording frame rate? Are you running on low cpu mode perhaps? Apa Unfortunately there is really nothing I can do. The error is internal and scripters do not have access to client code either way. I don't think that the client you use will affect whether or not you get banned though - from my experience, both clients are equally dangerous. Sorry about that! -Apa
  19. Unfortunately, as is the case with all other scripters, I am not allowed to offer trials to users whose OSBot accounts are under a week old (this is an OSBot rule). Sorry about that - please come back in a week! (For more info, check out my trials thread found here: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/61445-apa-scripting-emporium -Apa
  20. Hey, Glad to hear that you're liking the script. Unfortunately the store prices are all fixed (this is the same for all scripts) - it is only the rank prices that occasionally go on sale -Apa Sure - trial activated Also, if you haven't already, perhaps consider botting at Sand crabs instead? The exp rate there is much better! (If you're interested, I can give you a trial of my Sand Crabs script as well if you want to give this a try. Just let me know) Apa
  21. Of course, trial activated!
  22. Sure - trial started
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