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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hi all,

    My laptop is going in for repairs tomorrow, this may take up to a week (but should only be a few days). I will be available to answer any questions/offer trials/help as soon as this repair is complete.


  2. Looks like it's checking quest data before it's loaded successfully. I'll look into this but I might have to submit a client bug report, which can take time to process. Thanks! Apa
  3. Hey I thought I implemented this change Maybe I didn't in the end.. I will check. Thanks for letting me know! Apa
  4. Hey Sure - trial activated!
  5. Ah right, this should be possible so i've put it on my list, will have to make sure it doesn't clutter the paint too much Apa
  6. Hey, Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this - please switch to Stealth Injection and the script will work perfectly For more info, Give the 'things to consider before buying/trying' subsection on the thread a quick read! -Apa
  7. Hey, Thanks for the kind words I'd like to, however maintaining my current SDN collection (including customer support etc) is already quite a workload which I do not have the spare time to add to at the moment. Perhaps in the future though, we'll see! Apa
  8. Hey, Unfortunately there's not currently a way to make the window start when you log in - 24h is normally enough time to give the script a try. The reason that trials are 24h is to account for differing timezones Unfortunately I cannot offer you a further trial on this script in the interests of fairness to other users, hopefully this is understandable Apa
  9. Hey, I could, but i'm not sure if the additional complication is worth it - the loot from caskets is really lame: http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Casket I've just added it to my list but I can't make promises at this stage Apa
  10. Hey, Sounds like this might have been caused by the recent game update, hopefully the client will be fixed up and the issue resolved soon Apa Sure - activated!
  11. It's not quite this simple I cannot add flat delays as this would potentially slow the reactions of the script, plus it would be an in-elegant solution. I've got a different way in mind which won't hinder the awareness of the script
  12. Hey, While i'd like to, adding this would likely require a change in script price in line with other similar scripts on the market, which is not something that i'd like to do! Also, adding summer pies would mean I would also have to add all other niche forms of cooking such as wines, potatoes, pizza, gnome cooking and much more. The script can still be used to cook raw pies so is still suitable for the last step Apa
  13. Thanks, this is on my list of things to improve. It's a little tricky to check for due to combat cancelling player animations, but i'm sure I will find a workaround Apa
  14. Hey, I'm worried that the script is not collecting marks for you, it should do this. These issues might be brought about due to yesterdays game update. I thought the developers fixed any outstanding issues, but perhaps not (unless something has changed with marks of grace which I do not believe is the case). Hopefully in the next couple of days the client will return to full functionality and looting will work! You might find the script performance is improved on Stealth Injection if you aren't already using this? Worth giving a go Apa
  15. Thanks for the kind words I'm to hear that the script is working well, although i'd always recommend getting a trial just in case! -Apa
  16. Thanks for the appreciation and support - it really means a lot! Glad the script is working well, and congratulations on your gains -Apa
  17. Hi all, As brayden mentioned, OSBot is currently experiencing issues as a result of the recent game update. Please allow time for the developers to patch these issues, after which the script should return to it's original working state Apa Hey, Sadly this is a difficult situation for me - since the store is maintained by the OSBot staff, I have no power and as a result am not able to swap scripts, 'give' people copies of scripts or even see who owns which scripts. As a result, I'm afraid I cannot help with this and any changes would have to be performed by the senior staff. I'm happy to offer you a trial of the Sand crabs script (just activated it) but that's pretty much all I can do Hopefully you understand, let me know if you have any more questions. Apa
  18. Hi, All scripts are currently experiencing issues due to todays OSRS update, this is normal. Please allow time for the developers to patch the client Apa
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