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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. It does, yes There's an option for it on the GUI - make sure you have teleport runes in your inventory! Just started a 24h trial on your account. Enjoy! Apa
  2. Sure thing, trial started!
  3. Ah, that'll be why - when you throttle the resources for any script, you can expect it not to run as smoothly. If you disable this option, you should find that the script will behave as expected I'd strongly suggest against using it altogether (no matter which script you use), unless you really need to cram in more bots at the high expense of reduced script reliability. Best Apa
  4. Hey! Sorry to hear that, seems you got pretty unlucky... I think it would be bold to assume paid scripts will prevent you from getting caught - the primary advantages of paid scripts over free scripts is that they are normally better written, much better supported and more complex; a paid script is much less likely to get stuck. Furthermore, i'd recommend assuming all scripts, bots and macros are equally dangerous as they all break the ingame rules and as such all risk detection. With that being said, running for 2 hours straight is already a little risky. Botting in 2018/19 is a lot harder than it used to be, to being extra cautious is paramount. I'd suggest keeping sessions short, using generous breaks, and playing legitimately between sessions. Best Apa
  5. I still haven't been able to recreate the issue - i've tried cannonballs with both Stealth Injection and Mirror mode, and both seem to be working without problem. Are you using low-cpu mode? Apa
  6. Glad you got it sorted you're correct - the script won't bank for items. As you've found, it's much easier to note the items and then you will never need to bank. Apa
  7. Sure, trial activated
  8. When you run out of items to alch, the script will stop -Apa
  9. Sure - trial activated Apa
  10. Unfortunately not at the moment - the script currently only supports special attacks with the currently equipped weapon. As an alternative, you can use potions instead - i've found normal combat potions are very good for this and are also very cheap. If you've got money to splash, you can always use Super combat potions instead. Best Apa
  11. Thanks for these suggestions, a few of these I am already hoping to add in the future. I've taken note of these and may try to bundle one or two in if/when I update the script with the changes coming to Zeah. Apa
  12. Ah, interesting. I'll do a test run with that setup today and see if there is something different about this weapon which would cause the current code not to work. Thanks! Apa
  13. Hmm, weird. Maybe there's a different message for the specific weapon that you're using. What weapon are you using? Apa
  14. Hey, Sure thing! Just started a 24h trial so the script should be in your collection until this time tomorrow. Enjoy! Apa
  15. Hey Thanks for the suggestion - this used to be the case, however since the camera is randomly turned, the alignment may be thrown off and as a result the script would end up having to turn the camera for every step in the interaction. Users said this seemed botlike so I made the script walk instead, which is much more natural (although admittedly not perfect) With that being said, I would like to experiment with reverting this now that resizeable mode support is creeping in - i've got this noted down in my list of things to experiment with. Thanks Apa
  16. The script should log out when this happens it's worrying that it is not doing this. (You might have to set your game chatbox mode to 'show all' instead of 'filtered' ?) Apa
  17. I can do, although i'm not sure how much difference it will make. I've added it to my list of things to do - thanks for the suggestion Apa
  18. Sure - trial activated Apa
  19. Hmm, it could be CPU issues depending on the resources available with your dedicated server. Not sure. I'll see if I can re-create the issue on my end.
  20. Hey, Thanks for these screenshots, that's some awesome progress! I've added them to the gallery section. I agree that it would be nice to change some of the XP stats, but I wouldn't want to clutter the screen too much. In future versions, i'll try to adapt the paint for a cleaner and more informative look. Thanks for the feedback! As for the price, the script is currently $4,99 https://osbot.org/forum/store/product/643-apa-sand-crabs/ Best Apa This is on my to-do list I'd like to add this when i've got some spare time, however i'm waiting until after they make changes to Zeah (if they do?) - that way I can bundle the changes into that update. Thanks for the reminder
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