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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hey, Apologies for this, I'm not sure what happened. I've just started a fresh trial on your account and i've set it to last 48 hours to compensate for the down time. I've double checked and it should now be on your scripts list Apa Hi jbsmelser and Peacemaker, both trials activated -Apa
  2. Sure, trial activated Hey, To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about that Apa
  3. Hmm looks like the auth didn't go through for some reason. I've just re-requested it and i've checked and it has gone through, try refreshing your collection and it should be there Sorry about that -Apa
  4. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Hey, Not sure - it shouldn't be. Are other scripts in the same situation? Also, which mode are you using, mirror or SI? Apa
  5. Sure - trial activated! : )
  6. Hey I had no idea that ranarr seeds were dropped by Rock crabs Apa
  7. Unfortunately, as is the case with all other scripters, I am not allowed to offer trials to users whose OSBot accounts are under a week old (this is an OSBot rule). Sorry about that - please come back in a week! -Apa Trial started!
  8. I'd personally avoid using deprecated methods as they may be removed altogether in future builds. There are other ways to achieve what you're looking for without exchangeContext, for example you can pass a MethodProvider or Bot instance to the new class via the constructor
  9. Hey I'm not too sure what exp rates are usually like, but this script moves at a similar pace to other players (You can see this by noticing how the script stays ahead of some players on a course and falls slightly behind other, more attentive players on a course). If you're using alching, the course traversal might be a little slower as there is an extra layer of interaction going on, but without alching the script should run at a human-like pace. Naturally run speeds can vary based on a number of external factors such as network latency and compute resource allocation. Hope that helped -Apa
  10. Sure - trial activated
  11. Hey, As much as i'd like to, adding this would likely require a price increase to be in line with other similar scripts on the market, which is not something that i'd like to do! Also, adding wine jugs would mean I would also have to add all other niche forms of cooking such as potatoes, pizza, gnome cooking and much more. I believe there are dedicated wine making scripts available on the SDN (there may even be free ones in the local scripts section), so that is definitely worth taking a look into! Apa
  12. Sorry to hear this Not much I can do from the scripts perspective though, preventing bans is all about botting cautiously! If you haven't already, be sure to give this thread a quick read: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/ Best Apa
  13. Sure - trial activated !
  14. Just had a quick glance, i'm not sure why you're extending Script in your second class? Only one class can extend Script, otherwise the script executor won't know the entry point to your code Hopefully fixing this will prevent the crashing issue which you are experiencing. You should then be able to debug further issues yourself, if there are any As a side note, when developing code it is important to do it in small parts. Add one bit at a time instead of writing the whole thing and only then testing it. That will make sure you don't end up in this situation in the future -Apa
  15. Hmm, looks like it's trying to read your quest data before fully logging in. This is frustrating as the script shouldn't be running while not logged in. I'll see if I can add a check for this Apa
  16. Sure - replied on trials thread
  17. Hiya, Sadly, in the interests of fairness, I can only offer a single trial to each user. Apa
  18. Sadly not I'll do some test runs of the script and see if I can re-create this issue. Apa
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