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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sounds good. perhaps a reserve price too?
  2. Random but i'm all in for the good ol' vanilla ...cactus flavour isn't bad (had this in itally some point) but don't go near roast beef flavour... Don't mind toffee either
  3. if this counts as a thread (which it does :p) then i agree with the title.
  4. There was a zScript one like this but after an update changed how clues work he suddenly had irl problems ;)
  5. I believe Zach has added premium scripts to the free scripts SDN repository so both are there. I'd assume once the changed are final it would be renamed to script repository or something along those lines, but I don't know how it'll unfold. Imo i couldn't give a shit about the number of tabs at the top tho hehe, but I'd support the collapse of dupilcates / similars into a single tab, just for aesthetic & convenience sake.
  6. Nice upload not so nice upload hehe woah. Helsinki tho, Finland doesn't seem to be bad ... Agreed. Hey, it's better than mine
  7. Some shit i found: woah a runescape related one read this it actually made me laugh a bit :p kk thats wierd enough i'm stopping now ;p
  8. Was just curious to see the internet speeds you guys are getting To start, visit this url: http://www.speedtest.net/ Click start test, make sure you aren't doing anything in the background When it is done, click 'Share this result' and then click the 'Image tab' Then copy that URL and post it down below using the button. I'll start: (yes, it's bad hehe) Over to you.
  9. You know its bad when 1 bot tab lags :p
  10. You're never safe when you bot.
  11. This is basically the GE. Jagex know how to crap up good games fast
  12. Apaec

    25m to 250m

    Good luck mate! I've never had the right account for staking What stats are you using?
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