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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sweet! thanks mate appreciate you sharing it. featured. Apa
  2. contact the author of the script in question edit: oh wait a second, just realise u are in resizeable. osbot doesn't support resizeable mode. change to fixed mode
  3. At the moment you can only use 1 type of potion. If you wish to use more than one, I highly suggest using combat potions. they are very cheap (less than 1k for 4 doses) and give a reasonable boost to both attack and str. apa
  4. Strange... I'll look into this tomorrow when I get internet back. It seems to be stuck inside the interaction loop but I'm not sure what the reason is. spa
  5. Hey I was wondering if you could do me a massive favour and leave a review on the store? Seeing as I just released the script, I really need to kickstart the project in the store so I would really appreciate you doing this for me ) Cheers! Apa
  6. Strange, will take a look tomorrow when I get my internet back apa
  7. Sure. I've given you a 24h trial starting now. Enjoy! apa
  8. UPDATE! I unfortunately lost internet today and should get it back by monday when customer support is open ^^. So i've written this update but it hasn't gone live obviously cause i have no way of pushing it to the SDN. Posting this from phone btw. but ye, I also filmed another video earlier today and edited it, I think it's pretty decent and it inspired me to write this update on the script too. Version 1.06 Script will now interact in the back usng 'withdraw All' where it can/should, to save time. Also made some minor design changes to GUI UPDATE + VIDEO WILL BE AVAILABLE ON MONDAY! happy botting apa
  9. Hey guys! there should be less 'dancing' on the east side or on the west side if you disable running from a hobgoblin. As for the camera angle, I can always make it so the camera never moves down so it's always at the top. This may fix any interaction issues /misclicks. Altho i'm pretty sure off the top of my head it should stay at the top anyways... i'll look into it tho. ty for reporting apa
  10. Apaec

    Deadman Mode

    perfect way to split the osrs community up even more good job jagex!
  11. Apaec

    Fixed mode

    u know what i mean ^^
  12. Apaec

    Fixed mode

    hero of time iz a noob...dun listen 2him osbot doesn't support fixed mode atm. there are 2 modes in runescape - fixed mode and resizeable mode. You can switch between them in the ingame settings tab there's no need to post on the thread unless you have a real bug apa
  13. What alek said. Make sure you have OSBot attached in your buildpath tho. For more details take a look at my tutorial: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/ good luck apa
  14. 1.5 days. Damn. Thanks for running it! apa
  15. Haha, no problem. Let me know if you wish another trial if you haven't already decided to stick with just 1 rock crabs bot apa.
  16. Damn mate. crazy! thanks for sharing this! apa
  17. genius but it would be more of a dragon longsword in my case... still a dds for u tho.
  18. Sorry for late reply, seems i got unfollowed from the thread. That's odd... what are you cooking? i'll take a look. Apa
  19. looks cool... but... who would ever want a mouse icon? ;o apa
  20. UPDATE! Version 1.05 Aesthetic only changes. Added runescape formatting to details on paint eg exp will now read 12.4kxp instead of 12414xp. Likewise with hourly rate. Added logo to GUI which I made earlier today. Image is cached as ever (likewise with all other images associated with script). Recoloured info labels on GUI to cyan so that they are easier to read, look better and are not confused for futher settings. Here's the new GUI (new screenie for the thread too): As ever, happy botting lads and feel free to leave a positive review if you have a spare second ! let me know what you think of the new GUI and paint changes and if you have any issues with them. Apa
  21. probably an issue with the paint profit counter, I heard someone said it was faulty on one of the bots. Use the pricechecker instead and calc profit by hand. It's hard for us scripters to get accurate realtime prices without a live GE API guess we gotta wait until osrs releases one apa
  22. Woahh! Thanks for the amazing proggie mate and glad it's working well! If anything does go wrong, be sure to let me know. Also, I appreciate any and every screenshot I recieve. This is awesome - thanks! -Apa.
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