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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hi guys, Thanks for showing interest To get a trial, just like the main thread and the automatic authing system should give you a trial as soon as you do so There are further instructions on the main thread if you're still unsure, apa
  2. still cant believe we left the fkin eu. dear god what a shame
  3. I learnt the basics in 2 days. I could then write a script for most things in about a week. Ofcourse since then i've gone on to do software professionally and have practised in my free time, but the basics really are basic!
  4. Apaec


  5. Why not? :p I had no idea how to a few years ago, never coded in my life. Just a lil bit of practice and u can do anything
  6. right now I would recommend farming some deadman seasonals and swapping gold. That's working out very well for me right now but in general, find your own method and write a script for it. That way the ban rate will be low and you can farm it all you want apa
  7. Here's a tip: Don't use a timer, you don't need one! Instead just detect when the crabs don't pop up when you walk near them
  8. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Please follow the instructions on the front of the thread, thanks!
  9. It's got to be on the sdn for you guys to get a trial otherwise there's no way to distribute it! If you like the thread, you should automatically recieve a trial as soon as the script is released
  10. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Unfortunately I didn't incorporate cakes into the food system as when you consume a cake it's name changes which makes it particularly awkward to account for. However the script is designed such that it should misclick very very rarely (i've still not misclicked a chest while running it and i've used the script alot!). Also the chest does very little damage to you from a single click. For this reason, food will pretty much never be used (it's there simply as a fail safe) so I would recommend just to grab a few pieces of bread or a few cups of tea or anything similar which is supported in the gui and using that. It hopefully shouldn't be too hard to aquire! Sorry about that, I will consider adding support for cakes in the future. ~apa
  11. Yep, it's all automated - please follow the instructions on the front of the thread thanks! ~apa
  12. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    follow instructions on front of thread:)
  13. Latest update which I have been working on involves hovering over the next desired sand crab. This will only work in roaming mode as camp mode is designed to mimic AFKing. The script will hover over the next combat position and then click as soon as its finished killing the current crab. The gui has been updated, I will post some screenshots once the layout changes less frequently! Also added a mouse trail ~apa
  14. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Like the thread and you should automatically recieve one within 10 minutes!
  15. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Follow instructions on front of the thread and you should have a trial within 15 minutes - it's all automated!
  16. chest thieving is certainly a good way to go about it \o/ On the first day I think I sold all the nature runes I got for about 10M 07... botted only for about 6 hours that day! so yes, it's great to do at the start but be sure to do it while the profit is still fresh... act quickly
  17. Apaec

    APA Chest Thiever

    Deadman seasonal season 2 released, this time with the GE! Be sure to check the script out and make some mad bank!
  18. Unfortunately I think that ventures into the realm of crafting haha; I know that there's a few AIO crafters on the SDN that support it though! I was tempted to make my own spin on an AIO crafter some time actually... But sadly I probably won't input it into this script as it would require alot of changes to the interface and would technically not be smithing ;) ~apa
  19. No idea. I've not been banned using it thus far and i've been going pretty hard lol!
  20. Oh god please don't remind me I honestly cannot believe we're leaving the eu. such a shame!
  21. O god I voted remain the other day, but woah 52/48... I thought for sure remain had it! Real shame... This pretty much sums my feelings up:
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