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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. As Kurisu said! Also, probably best to implement this as its own class
  2. Wow awesome progress there! Thanks for sharing - i've added it to the front thread (: Cheers -Apa
  3. Rough, but it happens! Bans seem to be pretty random and unpredictable, your best bets to avoid a ban is to keep a low profile and bot very conservatively.
  4. Hey I thought i already added this! Perhaps it's not working with that specific player name, not sure. Either way, it should hopefully be fixed in the re-write that is currently on the go at the moment. Apa
  5. Awesome progress, thank you for sharing!! (: I've added them to the front thread - let me know if you'd rather they were'nt there! Glad it's living up to expectations ! -Apa Hiya, thanks for the kind words. As for your suggestion, this is something that i'd like to add in the future, i'm just not sure how to go about it yet as the system would be quite space-intensive on the gui. Perhaps a seperate window, un-decided. Thanks! (: Apa
  6. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Please follow the instructions on the front of the thread! (:
  7. Hi - apologies, i'm having issues with internet at the moment and it seems your trial request didn't go through. I've started a fresh trial on your account now and made it 48 hours instead of 24 to compensate for the delay. I can confirm now that the trial has gone through - enjoy! (: Cheers and sorry for the delay, Apa
  8. Still unsure about this, I can't really add just one item, if I add one pizza I will have to add them all, along with all potatoes etc. With that power, the script would have to change price as to not infringe the store rules, and i'm not sure if i'm ready to do that just yet. I might write a fresh script to do it too keep the price of this script low, but it depends on my schedule at the moment & whether I have the time! Cheers
  9. Hmm - try opening the console before starting the script and see if it says anything. Also, which script are you struggling with - perhaps it might be worth asking the scripter via the script thread?
  10. WOAH! 1 day and 7 hours?! That's mental!! looks like you've got a good breaking scheme going - keep it up! (: Added to the front page (let me know if this is not OK!) Hey, awesome stuff, thanks for the kind words!! Hopefully the script will live up to your expectations (: Hey ! The script will walk to a safe position to hop or otherwise stop for whatever needed reason. If you open the console logger (F9/navitage the options), the script will tell you what you're missing. Let me know if you're still unsure! Hiya ! Thanks for getting in touch - unfortunately the script is not working reliably in mirror mode at the moment, with the error which you shared being an internal mirror error. Unfortunately there's not a lot that I can do about this. I would strongly recommend switching over to stealth injection mode as the script will run smoothly on it and you will be able to leave it running without babysitting. Since stealth is widely considered equally safe to mirror, hopefully this shouldn't be too much of a problem! Cheers Apa
  11. Open the console logger and check for any errors / log messages !
  12. If you're willing to shell out a few dollars and grab something premium, I can recommend you my Sand crabs script (no bias whatsoever, promise!! ) If you're interested, just let me know for a trial. (Yes, it supports ammo looting!) If not, there are a bunch of great free alternatives that people have mentioned. Perhaps you could try out Macro Killer (by Alek)? Sorry for the shameless plug (: Apa
  13. You can pause the script and talk, or even enable human input if the script doesn't mind being interrupted (good scripts won't!) Apa
  14. Not sure, none reported as of yet since the recent update, but that doesn't mean that you will be safe. Whether or not you're banned depends very much on how you use scripts, not the scripts themselves! Please refer to the 'things to consider before trying/buying' section of the main thread if you're stuff unsure. Also, let me know if you're interested in a trial (: -Apa
  15. Apaec


    This should help you: -Apa
  16. No problemo! Glad it's sorted. Also a bit strange that the script stops because of that and doesn't fix itself, but oh well. Let me know if you need anything else! (: Apa
  17. Hey Yep, as soon as I pushed the workaround fix for the mirror client, the devs released a new version which seemed to well and truely cook most API features. It's frustrating, I know! For the time being, I would strongly recommend you use Stealth injection as that is guarenteed to work and work well, plus I don't think it's any more 'dangerous' than mirror. So long as you don't over-do it on either client, you should be fine. Sorry about that, hate giving bad news like this but the client code is out of my control and there's really nothing that I can do! Apa
  18. Nice, a tutorial with no code! A great read. I saw you mentioned my scripting guide - it sure is in need of some love. I wrote it a couple of years back now - since lots of things have changed, it's coming time for me to re-write it. When I do, I will definitely include some of the important concepts behind writing a script, such as the planning of structure, correctly utilising the continuous looping nature of the onLoop, and other 'scripting related stuff with no code'. Also, a flow chart is a great idea! Thanks for sharing these tips Apa
  19. Perhaps you set it up wrong; check the console. If that doesn't solve your problem, find the script thread and read the instructions. If you're still struggling, ask on the script thread and hopefully the scripter may be able to help you out. Apa
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