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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Here's the solution to your problem, coming with the new release. Thank you for the suggestion! (: -Apa
  2. Hey, Yes, the re-write is on the go, however some growing concerns with my sand crabs script involving ammo looting and various other issues have meant that i've had to prioritise the re-write of that script over this one, due to it being premium. Once I finish the sand crabs re-write, I will continue work on the altar script but I cannot give an ETA as I really don't know how long it will take. If I was being optimistic, perhaps in the next two weeks but that might not happen - we will see! Cheers
  3. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    It should already shift-drop if you have it enabled in your game settings.
  4. Thanks for the support, the new version will be even more reliable! (: ______________________ Since today has come to an end already, I'll post a quick progress log of what i've done. Added healing up in bank - the script will now heal to full at the bank using the inventory set up that you provide on startup. Added potion sip percentage filter and gaussian-distribution based deviation - The script knows exactly what boosts each potion gives (percentage & base) and will perform distribution-based calculations on said values to determine potion sip thresholds. Each time a potion is sipped, these thresholds are randomised such that the dynamic level at which you sip a potion is different each time. Since the function is based on the normal distribution, it will be on average at around 30% of the remaining boost, with the deviation set to 20%. At the moment these values are set, but in the future I might add functionality to adjust them in the ui. Added smart ammo looting - Ammo is looted using a looting system designed to work with stacked objects. A minimum stack size is currently set at 2, in future I might add the functionality to customise this as with potions. The script will loot ammo when needed, and the looting is very much more human-like than before. Added paint features including location debug, scrolling logger, etc. Refined refreshing to consider combat situations Loads more improvements to stability and aesthetics, I can't list them all off the top of my head! Edit: Also added option to ui to move mouse outside screen whilst idle! Speaking of the paint, here's a screenshot of the script in action: Getting there!! (:
  5. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Strange, are you sure you didn't select a rock that was already mined when you set the script up?
  6. Update: Added this to the new version. It will be available alongside the re-write release coming some point this/next week! (:
  7. Sure thing, although please note that the script is currently being re-written and everything will be new by next week. I've started your 24h trial now, although I'd be happy to give you another one once the re-write is live! Cheers Apa
  8. I saw (: As i've mentioned previously, i'm working on a re-write as we speak. This re-write is taking such a long time (i've been working on it religiously for the past week) because i'm adamant about making it run as reliably as possible. I'm almost done with the re-write (currently working on ammo looting!), and once it is in place, I will be adding more features. That being said, I don't want to add too much such as to impede the reliability of the script - the less there is going on, the safer. Also, i'm not sure what else I can add really - a lot of the other features which the competitor script offers seem un-necessary and un-refined! If you've got anything to suggest; i'd love to hear it - someone mentioned eating to full at the bank, which i've gone ahead and added about an hour ago! I'll also be posting a progress log for today this evening! Cheers Apa
  9. Hey, nice idea, thanks for suggesting it! I will add this in the new release. Cheers!(:
  10. Hi Susan summers, What problem are you having? Is it that you cannot find the script in your collection, or you are having trouble setting up and using the script? If it is the first, then know that sometimes payments take a while to go through (especially if paying via e-cheque, which can take up to a week). Depending on how long it's been, you may need to contact the community administrator, @Maldesto. If it is the second, then you will have to contact the scripter (in this case khal) via the script thread, which can be found here: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/65081-khal-aio-fisher/ Cheers! (: ~Apa
  11. [Progress update] Have spent the best part of yesterday and today working on the script. The ui is completely finished and yesterday I implemented the backend for the walking structure, which is based on a network of intersecting paths. Today i've finished the walking system so the script will now reliably navigate the area when needed, and I've also finished banking (using a custom banking system to ensure successful withdrawals and correct script stopping when necessary). I've also implemented healing so the script can now successfully withdraw items, navigate to the spot, heal up and maintain a percentage of hp. The next thing I will be working on is refresh detection, then finally I will work on the more intricate details such as worldhopping, crash detection and ammo looting. Sorry, no more screenshots just yet! (: soonTM Edit: I lied, I did some more work today and have finished off refresh detection! The script now performs the basic functions required of it (I still need to gather a lot of pathing data for refreshing, worldhopping and such), however it's very much on track.
  12. Hey! Bowls of water are already supported - i've given you a 24h trial! (: Apa
  13. It's hard to say what else will change as it is still a work in progress and there are no new concrete features that i've implemented as of yet, but here's an outline of some of the things i'm considering: The main thing that i'm aiming for is superior reliability, such that at no point the script will get stuck and cause player reports Gui will be quicker and easier to set up Backend structure will be nicer and more flexible, so future updates / bug fixes will be easier to work on You will also be able to configure for different potion amounts - currently you can only have equal quantities of potions, but in the new version you could have say 1 str potion and 4 attack potions for a trip. I will also work on adding safe-breaking where the script will head to a safe location and log out before a break starts, and in general the world hopping and crash detection will improve Ammo looting will hopefully also be smarter I may also add a target system to the ui if I have time before release. Beyond those, i'm not really sure what else I can add so any suggestions are very welcome! Apa
  14. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Check out the instructions on the front of this thread!! (:
  15. You will need a more advanced solution for this rather than just checking for the level up message, to account for other interruptions and to more reliably accommodate for level ups. I'm not sure how you're tracking when you finish the inventory (hopefully not a massive 40 second long sleep!), but I would suggest moving over to a timer-based system (I have this implemented in my AIO Cooker). The idea is that a timer is running in the background and is reset when you're animating (or some other check to determine whether you're cooking). If this timer exceeds a threshold, then you're probably no longer cooking and the interaction code kicks in. For this timer to work however, you will need some kind of async thread to work in. You could use the onPaint, however onPaint should really not be used for anything more than paint stuff! You will most likely have to create your own concurrent utility class which does this for you. Since it is easy to get something wrong when doing concurrent stuff, be careful and make sure you do sufficient research otherwise you might see some behaviour you did not expect. I would suggest the best way to achieve this is to extend Thread and work from there, implementing the void run method. Good luck! (: Apa
  16. Massive thank you Alek, everything seems to be working as it should, and this version seems to have fixed the input issues that I was having! (: -Apa
  17. Sure, just given you a 24h trial. Enjoy!(: And don't forget that in a week/couple of weeks I hope to have the re-write released so it will be a whole new (and much improved) script for then! Cheers Apa
  18. Have you tried the config debugger? Settings>Options>Debug>Configs
  19. If I remember correctly, I think you can launch the script via id rather than name, such that name spaces don't matter!
  20. Have had the same problem, as far as i'm aware there is no fix other than playing with your resolution / running on a low res monitor. More info: https://superuser.com/questions/988379/how-do-i-run-java-apps-upscaled-on-a-high-dpi-display Cheers
  21. Awesome progress (: The altar will support rimmington when I get it written!
  22. At the moment i'm going about re-writing my SDN scripts to improve the structure and freshen them up a bit. I've re-written my AIO Cooker and AIO Smither, currently working on my Gilded Altar and Sand crabs re-writes. Beyond that, i'm not sure. I would suppose that at some point in the future I will get around to writing something new, but i'd have to find an activity to automate first. Perhaps something to do with Fossil Island when that comes out! (: Apa
  23. *Quick progress update* I have just finished working on the script for today. Since writing a reliable script from scratch is no easy task, i've still got a long way to go - here's where i'm at! I've finished the UI (see picture in above post). The new UI allows you to select your location overlayed on the map. I did it this way since a few users expressed concerns that they found it difficult to tell whether they had configured the script with the correct spot. Secondly, the ui now features an inventory configuration panel which allows you to visualise what your inventory may look like for your trips. This will firstly help prevent users over-configuring for their inventories, but also allows other features such as weighted potion distributions (perhaps 1 attack potion per 3 str potions for example) and visual accountance for placeholders like the 10k for crab claw isle. The ui also has all session options placed in a single panel so that you can be sure you haven't missed a setting. All the previous settings should be found there, such as heal percentage, ammo looting, world hopping etc. As before, the ui also has a save feature which automatically loads the saved configuration from your file system. You can save a configuration at any point and it will remember it for next time. I didn't want to introduce full loading/saving capabilities as I did not want to over-complicate the set up too much, however I have the back-end in place such that if I ever wanted to add a file system explorer for loading/saving, it would not be too difficult. I may implement it if there is sufficient demand in the future. Hopefully this new UI will be easier to navigate and I certainly think it is more attractive than before! For now, I will start working on the function of the script over the coming week and ensure a sufficient level of QA before I release this new version publicly. As usual, I will post a quick summary of my progress when I next work on the script. Cheers! Apa(:
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