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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Hey! Unfortunately mirror mode doesn't support this script; you'll have to switch over to stealth injection. Please see the OP for more details! Apa (:
  2. Nice release! (: although... private GetArea bankArea = new GetArea(api) { @Override public Area getBankArea() { return super.getBankArea(); } }; Also, check out Enums!! Thanks for sharing (: ~Apa
  3. Hi, Long story short, mirror mode doesn't support this script - you will have to switch to stealth injection. Please refer to the original post for more details! Apa
  4. Great! It's awesome that you're trying to expand the code. I will give you a hint. At the moment, we are moving to the drop state when '!inventory.isEmpty()'. You can do a similar check for whether the inventory is full, as follows: getInventory().isFull(); // Returns whether the inventory is currently full Good luck! Apa
  5. Sounds like you've set it to toggle special attack despite your weapon not having a special attack - please disable this option in the gui! (: Sure thing, refresh your script list! (: __ Apa
  6. Script is long without an update, I am working on a re-write in my very limited free time. Cheers!
  7. Sure thing; done! (: Hey! I can't take payment directly as OSBot runs the store and I do not have the power to 'give' people the script. That being said, you can (as you mentioned) buy and redeem a $5 voucher to spend on the script. Here's the voucher subforum : https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ Apa Hey! Glad you figured it out, you were right with your assumption about mirror mode. Unfortunately mirror doesn't currently support this script .Hopefully it will be fixed soon but for now you will have to switch over to Stealth injection. Considering it is widely considered equally safe if not safer than mirror mode, that hopefully shouldn't be a problemo! Apa
  8. If statements do work! lol (: Your code looks well structured - nicely done! The reason it is failing is purely syntactical - you've got a rogue ';' on line 7. It may be a bit confusing, but long story short if you delete it, the code should work. The if statement is interpreted as a one-line (curly bracket-less) block and the empty expression is the conditional code. The curly brackets then form their own block which is always executed. Your code would look like this if properly formatted: case TELEPORT: Area geArea = new Area(3165, 3480, 3161, 3476); //area of all possible squares in GE that you can get teleported to. Position current2 = myPlayer().getPosition(); log("STARTING"); if (!geArea.contains(myPlayer())) ; { getEquipment().interact(EquipmentSlot.RING, "Grand exchange"); log("teleporting"); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return !myPlayer().getPosition().equals(current2); } }.sleep(); } sleep(random(500, 600)); break; Hopefully that makes sense. Careful where you put the ';'s! Apa
  9. Ofcourse, sure thing! (: Refresh your scripts list!! Apa
  10. Hey Which script were you interested in a trial for? Apa
  11. Hey! It looks like the trial I gave you expired with this time stamp: 2017-10-29 16:17:32 UTC - Unfortunately I can only give one trial out per person, however since it seems you didn't get much use out of it, i've re-instated the trial for an additional 24h. Apa
  12. Glad you got it working! Sorry that the guide is a little disorganised at the moment, i'm working on re-writing it but I cannot do it all in one go! Good luck with your scripting journey, let me know if/when you need any help! (: Apa
  13. It doesn't! Mirror mode is having a few issues and as a result there can be unexpected behaviour when running this script. There's nothing I can do about this, so you will have to switch over to stealth injection. Since stealth injection is widely considered equally safe (if not safer) than mirror, and it is more reliable, this hopefully shouldn't be a problem. Cheers Apa Done!
  14. Sure thing, that seems fair enough. (:
  15. Hey, Again, I have no power over the store, but this should be possible! Just send @Maldesto a PM and he hopefully should be able to sort this out, provided you haven't used the rock crabs script much/at all. Cheers! Apa
  16. Hi! I'm not really sure what a prepaid mastercard or who 7/11 is, but unfortunately I do not run the store (it is handled by OSBot) and as a result have no power to help you. You will have to contact the community administrator @Maldesto who hopefully should be able to help you out! ~Apa
  17. Sorry to hear this. You should however never leave a bot on, no matter what you're botting, overnight. That's just irresponsible!!! Apa
  18. Please refer to the above... Working on it! Hey! It seems your trial expired with this timestamp: 2017-10-30 10:56:20 UTC (this morning). Unfortunately, since it seems you've gained some exp using the script and have a few hours of usage logged, I cannot offer a fresh one as that would be unfair on others - sorry about that! Apa
  19. Oh, that's odd Perhaps my inbox is full... let me clear it! Edit: my inbox size is capped at 200 and I can't seem to easily delete messages. I'm heading to bed now but I will try and get this sorted tomorrow. Once I get some space cleared, I will let you know! Apa
  20. Unfortunately I do have skype but rarely use it, and when I do it is only for personal use. I'm much more active on here - if you need anything specific, feel free to reply here or drop me a PM! Apa
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