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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Sure, done! Hmm, yea. if you're not using food then just make sure your HP is full otherwise the script will run to the bank and make sure you safely log out (this is not the script getting confused, it is a built-in fail-safe which makes sure you don't die if you leave the script running but accidentally forget to configure it with food!) Apa I can't see any problems with your setup, the script seems to be running fine for me. Hopefully the switch to SI will fix it for you, since mirror is pretty buggy atm. Apa Hey! I understand the struggle Yes, the ad is an OSBot thing (No way would I load the script with ads, especially if it's premium!). The ads show up no matter which script you're running - I'm not sure why you're unable to disable it though. Does re-starting the client help? Also the input changer is client handled, as re the start, stop and pause buttons etc. If you're still having problems, perhaps someone in the chatbox might be able to help? -Apa
  2. Also you could always take advantage of the return value of the conditional sleep to determine what to do if the interaction for whatever reason fails (misclick, ...) e.g: if (!getCombat().isFighting()) { //not in combat if (warrior != null) { //if it exists if (warrior.interact("Attack") && new ConditionalSleep(3000, 600) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getCombat().isFighting(); } }.sleep()) { log("Success!"); } else log("Fail :("); } }
  3. Looks good - If it runs well then there's no problem!
  4. Hey I probably can't add this as I would risk infringing the OSBot store policy of not undercutting scripts. The only reason I could price this at $5,99 and not in line with the other AIO Agility scripts is that this script is solely rooftop agility! If I were to expand this to include non-rooftop courses, I would have to increase the price which is not something I want to do at this moment in time. Sorry about that! Apa
  5. Hey! Unfortunately I can only re-issue a trial for users who did not get a chance to try the script at all - it seems you have a couple of hours on record, so this is not possible in your case Sorry about that, Apa
  6. Hmm, it shouldn't try and interact while it is traversing an obstacle. The only reason under which I think this could happen would be if, for whatever reason (latency fluctuation?) your player animation was cancelled while interacting. Maybe this issue is obstacle specific - please could you let me know exactly for which obstacle this happens? Also, there's not much I can do about misclicks (like the general store one you described). That's something that can happen for a multitude of reasons, such as changes in latency, cpu/ram limitations, zoom settings, etc..., and will happen for any script/bot you use! -Apa
  7. If they're not already supported and require some special interaction different from the usual, then probably not! I'm sure other premium alternatives support these though? That being said, the script is open-source so feel free to clone the repo and make these modifications for yourself to use! Apa
  8. Ah, sorry about that! I've given you a 36h sand crabs trial to compensate for this, and removed the rooftop trial. Cheers -apa
  9. UPDATE Version 1.05 Fixed mis-spelling of 'Crushed nest' (was 'Crushed bird's nest') in script secondary data. This should fix any outstanding issues with making Saradomin brews. -Apa Please allow up to 24h for the update to be pushed live to the SDN. As usual, since this project is open-source, you can compile the code yourself for immediate access to up to date content.
  10. No-one really knows what does and doesn't help. If it makes you feel better with that in, the keep it!
  11. It's certainly a feature I too used a great deal while testing, glad it is being well-received! (: We will see what the future holds, maybe the APA collection will grow? Thanks - replied! (:
  12. Hey, Previously the paths were shorter, but there were occasional times where the script would fail to reset aggro and have to retry, or worse would be stuck in a continuous loop of resetting aggro & failing. To prevent this from happening, I made all the paths a safe distance since I concluded the time spent to walk a few extra tiles was far smaller than the time spent re-trying the whole refresh route! Hopefully that makes sense! Apa Congratulations, and thanks for choosing this script! -Apa Thanks for the neat proggie, glad to see that the additional code needed to support niche food containers such as jugs of wine is being put to good use! -Apa
  13. Sigh, probably mis-spelled crushed nests too. Maybe I will have time to take a look today, will see.
  14. Sure thing guys, all done! (:
  15. Haha I can't say I agree with that, there are many great minds around here! Nonetheless, appreciate the kind words!
  16. Haha, you make me curious now, I wonder what Khal said about me!
  17. There is a widget hierarchy which you can explore with the widget debugger (in the options menu). The root id defines the highest level in this hierarchy, e.g the chatbox. Each root container will host various sub-widgets (referred to as children), and these children may have grandchildren widgets etc... The reason for the SDN static id rule is simple: With game updates, lower level widget ids frequently change and as a result your script will break -> A better way to filter widgets would be with text, as this is more likely to remain consistent following game updates. Naturally, the same goes for object ids. Hope that cleared things up, Apa
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