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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Yes, almost any form of currency can be used to pay, including OSRS GP. That being said, you'll have to go through an extra step - first you must buy a voucher, then redeem this in-store for credit which you can then use to buy the script. Here's a link to the vouchers section: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ Cheers Apa
  2. Hey Unfortunately mouse movements are not something I can control - the mouse speed is set and the arcs/calculations are processed by the API. I could make the script hover over the spell after an obstacle, but it would still hover with the same precision. That being said, although (I believe) some mouse position feedback packets are sent to jagex, this is not something that will be picked up and I wouldn't worry about it whatsoever. Instead, if you're worried about bans, switch up how you bot, where you bot and what you bot! Also, if you haven't already, be sure to give this a quick read: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v2/ Best Apa
  3. Hey (: Here's the private scripting subforum, all private scripters will have a thread there! https://osbot.org/forum/forum/334-private-scripts/ -Apa
  4. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Ah, hmm From my experience you didn't get gems that often, I didn't expect people to start filling up their inventory with them. If you really need them then i'd suggest just manually banking every so often! Apa
  5. Yeah for sure, I wouldn't call the 'task' pattern (or 'node' or whatever unrelated name people want to call it) a meaningful use of OOP Edit: wtf my reply duplicated 5 times
  6. Unfortunately I do not have the permissions to 'give' people a copy of the script, I can only hand out trials. Since the store is run by OSBot, the only way to get the script is officially (So that they can take their cut, etc). It's out of my control - sorry! Apa
  7. I'm all for this, and for some scripts this style works great. It's also quick to put together which is nice. That being said, for certain projects (mostly AIO stuff), going to town with OOP can be very rewarding and also really fun, lol
  8. Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing! (:
  9. Hey! Unfortunately I do not have the permissions to 'give' people a copy of the script, I can only hand out trials. Since the store is run by OSBot, the only way to get the script is officially. That being said, you might be able to buy a store voucher from a third party for a different payment method - some people accept crypto but most accept OSRSGP, so that might be an option. Here's the subforum: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ As for randomness, yes lots of stuff is random, and it is highly unlikely that you will end up with the same configuration as someone else, unless you stick to the defaults. That won't stop you getting banned however! No matter how much randomness I add, the risk is always there so you're better off botting smartly and taking extra precautions if you are worried about this. This might be worth a read: Best Apa Maybe... we will see what the future holds!
  10. Sure thing guys, both done!
  11. What you've described is certainly possible, but wouldn't be allowed on the SDN (https://osbot.org/forum/announcement/62-script-rules-read-before-applying/) That being said, there's nothing stopping you making it yourself / purchasing it as a private script. If you do go for a private script, expect it to cost a lot! OSBuddy provide a nice and pretty accurate item value db which many of us scripters use for profit tracking and the likes. This reddit thread might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/543n8b/rsbuddy_exachange_api_documentation/ GL! Apa
  12. Hey! Unfortunately I cannot do this, it's not what trials are intended for If you need it really badly, you can always exchange OSRSGP for a store voucher and purchase it like that! Sorry about that Apa
  13. Glad to hear! Thanks for the proggie! (: I'd suggest taking a break soon though. It's not worth rushing for the risk of being banned!
  14. Yep! total exp gained
  15. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    I checked the code, the script doesn't actually look what items it deposits. It simply deposits everything in your inventory except from pickaxes (if you have one). So it should be capable of banking anything! Apa
  16. Woo!! 90k xp/h for almost 2 days straight. DAMN!
  17. Update: 1.02 Just a quick bug-fix. Poor design on my part caused some invalid tasks to crash the script. The script would attempt to stop the task before it has started due to the invalidity - oops! Code details can be seen on github. Please allow up to 24h for these changes to make their way to the SDN Apa
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