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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. What is the error? Are you using latest version of the client?
  2. Gave you 24 hour trial
  3. I see, thanks! Will keep you up to date! goodnight!
  4. Thx for the detailed post, I'll def check this out! Will keep you posted. Khaleesi
  5. Script updated to V0.09: - F2p karamja updated
  6. What up with reading the first post? Bug report Template: - Running abyss or normal altars? - What is your setup? (Food, teleport method, obstacles used, pouches used) - Can you get a printscreen with the Osbot console enabled and script paint when getting stuck? Script Updated: Check first post for new bank setup to run the script smooth! Script updated to V0.21: - Added energy potion suport to abyss. - improvd potion support at advanced altar - Wear RoD now instead in inventory - Sped up Law runes Balloon method Goodluck! Khaleesi
  7. Gave you 48 hour trial on my script ;) Check it out ^^
  8. This currently a client issue, make sure you are running the latest version of osbot Khaleesi
  9. uhm, I personanly use Rock (mining), Gap (agility), Passage (Instant acces) , Eyes (thieving) if you got higher woodcutting then mining use tendrils ;)
  10. Depends on what obstacles you use, higher agility helps you solve gap faster and you can run for longer
  11. I'll see how I can get this fixed ;) Thx for the post! Try to were some basic range armor, and anti drag shield or soemthing ;) Any def helps
  12. Ya the higher they are the more easy it is try get some more HP / defence You wear any equipment?
  13. Ya never thought about it, will make it enter your house again if it accidently exits. Thx The issue should be solved by now let me know is this still happends Running natures in abyss is very good money. I think having atleast 50+ Hp and 50+ Def should be good ^^ What are your stats?
  14. bad moment of buying script, since osbot is changing all the interface stuff. I'll be running the runecrafter tomorrow and see what's broken and needs to be fixed Will keep you posted!
  15. No idea, but can't understand anything what they advertise lool xD
  16. I guess I got nothing to lose ... hmm
  17. This doesn't matter, since you can initiliaze with just {} behind your declaration ;) If you initialize it later on you have to do it this way Recheck your imports Use the osbot import instead Khaleesi
  18. such doge ^^ Don't steal my .. plz
  19. hehe -_- Only do quests legit, since I need them for some of my scripts -_-
  20. Please make tutorial, already got my D*ck stuck in ceiling fan once because bad instructions
  21. Script has been updated to V0.20: - Script now uses new widget system
  22. Script has been update to V0.08: - Works with new Widget system
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