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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Enjoy the trials Everyhting on the GUI is working. What doesn't work for you if you mind telling me? It's bcs a dragon axe can also be a loot, if you use a rune axe you won't see any difference speed wise
  2. Dopn't install java 9 Make sure you got java 8
  3. Gave you a trial, let me know
  4. Let me know if you encounter something please. Try to do multiple small botting sessions instead of a few longer ones
  5. Enjoy! Script updated to V1.19: - Fixed the chopping interaciton Let me know how it goes once the version is online. Should be on in a few hours Khaleesi
  6. It has nothing to do with the script We are not in 2007 anymore where you could bot 1 month straight wihtout getting banned.
  7. The weird thing is, I let 3 people run it for 1 hour and nobody got this issue. -_- I can't find this myself either I would be glad if you can show me this. In update V0.16 it will only loot within a 7-8 tile radius instead of the whole screen. I hope you like that
  8. Enjoy the trials I see, very strange it doesn't stop mining to empty the sack BEFORE going bakv to mining. Do you start the script with an empty sack or is it full already? Nonetheless I'm going to take a look at this. thx for the report!
  9. Glad you found it It's an annoying issue with the UI Enjoy the trials!
  10. Enjoy! I pushed an update for the house like 10 min ago. Script updated to V1.14: - Fixed enetering Host house Will be online in a few hours! Khaleesi
  11. Getting banned in 1 hour is almost impossible, they need a few hours to catch you. Probably a delayed bann on monday from botting int he weekend :/ Enjoy
  12. Nothing to do with afk deatsh at all... its just botting in general. RC is probably the highest bann rate of all skills due to the insane mpney u earn from it. If you bot ona bad moment that mods sweep teh area you are screwed Can't change much about that
  13. Enjoy What do you mean with gloves and boots? Or why is that?
  14. so it just keeps filling it and then stops? or does it spamm click the sack at the end?
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