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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Useless post, provide more info or just don't spam my topic please. Just tested and works fine? https://gyazo.com/73ab1d8b2f604c4afa25fb64f1057277 Well how hard can it be to have energy potions in your bank and food? Make sure your head and hands are free before you start the script... and NEVER start the script whena keg is already on your head. Feel free to explain what didn't work for you?
  2. can just bring to nature altar and have slaves run for you ?
  3. I can have that added, but what's the diffrence with the current system? it's not even 1 sec faster ^^
  4. Will take a look at it! Script updated to V2.33 - Updated NPC contact spell Let me know if you still have troubles with it New version will be online in a few hours
  5. Is the sack empty before you start it? Cna you get me some more info on whata reas you used? gem bag or not? Current script status? An printscreen of the client would help a lot
  6. All fine mate, we all make mistakes ? Hope you got it all solved
  7. It's just an annoying skill to train Could be awesome starter cash!
  8. Well if you can't make house tabs in the UI you got the wrong lectern selected ... http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Lectern That shows whats tabs u can make at each lectern. Added a fix for the issue that it keeps unnoting clay. Script updated to V1.26: - Added failsafe for unnoting clay - Change some more widget to me more dynamic after updates. - Some more Small changes Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  9. If you can see I said will be online in a few hours ? Depends when the devs push the update. You can see the script version in the paint right bottom ^^ ^
  10. Sorry was on vacation Script updated to V1.13: - Fixed all issues with the sack Will be online in a few hours
  11. Script updated to V1.19 - Fixed foreman payng - FIxed coal bag issue Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  12. Script updated to V1.25: - Fixed issue with butler depositing clay back to the bank Will be online in a few hours Sorry for the delay!
  13. You can check the script version in the paint right bottom corner ^^
  14. You mean czars "Lets say I got special antiban so I can sell more script" antiban? No sorry I don't have special stuff that makes people believe that they are safe, we don't even know the way jagex banns accounts...? Obviously I have some stuff implemented that breaks botting patterns A good antiban is using breaks and mixing up tasks, Usually nothing to do with the script itself ^^ Mouse movements are done by osbot, so those can't be changed, same as mouse speed... Will take a look at using the ekeyboard instead of the mouse, good point!
  15. Yes it does support that
  16. Well rs removed the ability to show us the amount of ammo stored in the cannon ... I can only see if it's firing or if its empty ..
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