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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Was just joking mate What can be improved at this point?
  2. Ok will take a look at this EDIT: Script updated to V1.21: - Improved general banking and interaction logic Will be online soon! Khaleesi
  3. Ya need to figure something out for this Script updated to V1.23: - Script will nog stop when Host goes offline - Improved walking to abnk and to portal Will be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  4. So what's not good at it that it gets 8/10?
  5. That's so good to read
  6. Try it out, gave you a trial ^^ Activated
  7. Activated it Don't bot too much, rc is dairly high bann rate
  8. Yes this does support cannon Gave you a trial
  9. Enjoy the trials Sorry forget to actually push the update Should be fixed in a few hours! Sorry
  10. Ok, will have a look is it even worth doing under 50 rc?
  11. Never experienced that and never heard of this issue before in a long time ... Can you get me some screen when it stands at the bank? Also the walking to veins and to the hopper is done by osbots webwalker, so there isn't much I can change about the wait times... Even though they help a good amount for antiban ^^ Activated!
  12. Anti bot doesn't even exist ... it's just something pseudo that's been printed in peoples mind. You can checl all skills and check all friends, won't do a thing bann wise ^^ It's just that people tend to believe it helps and want to use it.. Just diable it Activated!
  13. Ya I see ... Didn't it walk back instead? Actiavted all trials! Fixed in next update, Just don't put antiban slider on 0 (Completely right)
  14. Enjoy! No sorry gtocha
  15. Ya just check the logger when it stops the script, Will always tell you what you are missng Settings -> Toggle logger Glad you got it solved ^^
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