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  1. You are using the osrs client correct?
  2. Have been using .65 not sure if you play RS but is the script working for you still?
  3. experiencing that as well, along with characters being just unresponsive. I'm gonna sit back for a few hours this isn't the only script having issues with atm honestly not sure whats up if its the client or the jag update suddenly is generating issues with scripts. GL czar =p I know you will save us!
  4. also an issue for me. ESPECIALLY with this new version 2.3.67 super laggy from CPU hogging..
  5. Well apparently my osbot was not most current version just updated, could possibly have attributed to the issues yesterday and today. Unsure, will run for a bit and let you know how it works out. Thanks
  6. It has actually been happening while banking method enabled =0 and unfortunately my account details are set up in there when I get home I'll try to give more details but yea it does it while banking enabled and account details are set just doesn't re log not sure why logs to begin wifh
  7. Greatly appreciated man was going to post about the basics have minimum script coding knowledge from school. Very informing post!
  8. Very good script highly recommended. I do however have a question. Whenever i enable afk mode sometimes it logs out and doesn't reply in. It is not during a break time either. I am not sure if it was just coincidence for when I have afk mode enabled or if it is a problem others have encountered. Have had this issue while chopping willows in draynor.
  9. RIP.. King was A KING!
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