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Everything posted by BotRS123

  1. BotRS123


    I think having the userbar is plenty enough. Having a section like that would only give you guys control of the prices. Similar to how if staffs could have their own shops.
  2. BotRS123

    Bot busting.

    Holy moly... that is a lot of shit...
  3. BotRS123

    Veteran glow

    I think the only ones that should get the glow are the staff and Sponsors/VIPs since they pay for it.
  4. OSBot is not good because @Laz and @Maxi are not around enough. I think @Maxi has been kidnapped.
  5. Why would veterans get any benefits? You guys are lucky enough to get the userbar.
  6. I bet no one mentioned in that pic will get it
  7. BotRS123

    Rules Addition

    I do not support gravedigging, so I support you. I hate seeing old threads that are meant to die.
  8. I agree with you. You have my support.
  9. Looks pretty much the same, but smaller. I was trying to replicate it, so not bad Yeah, it was done pretty well.
  10. Looks pretty much the same, but smaller.
  11. BotRS123

    Market Mod

    Not a bad idea, but I don't think the forum is active/big enough that current moderators can't handle themselves. Plus market mod will defeat the purpose that staff cannot participate in the market by a lot.
  12. The chicken and the egg are one entitiy. That one entity split into two at the very same nano second. The chicken emerged from the egg as the egg emerged from the chicken and thus they both came into existence. @Raflesia came first.
  13. Holy shit... this is one long tutorial. Nice to see you using spoiler tags instead of letting it all out in the open.
  14. I didn't even know there was a limit... any idea what it is?
  15. Basically script writers don't have to get their scripts verified. So script writers can steal your password or worse. Not saying they will, but they could.
  16. I like it. It will prevent a lot of bans hopefully. It will also be hilarious when thousands of players log out
  17. It's official. I am an official script developer :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 9tails96


      Now just frequently update all your scripts since their yours. xp

    3. Tageth


      Can you maintain your current script? (Pseudo's MonkKiller), would appreciate it.

    4. BotRS123


      It's a free script. You can't expect me to waste my time updating it when I could be doing other things.

  18. Is this a mind fuck? After reading this, I am not sure whether to believe you or not. Those parenthesis got me.
  19. Can you rephrase this? Having a bit of a hard time understanding you.
  20. Not a bad idea. Let's hope those with the ability don't go rogue.
  21. BotRS123

    BETA v1.7.37/38

    Thank you @Zach for all the updates. Tell your fellow buddies to step up their game
  22. BotRS123

    BETA v1.7.36

    I hope this release fixed things.
  23. BotRS123

    BETA v1.7.35

    good for working but you have to babysit your bot. What's wrong with it? Is it just the randoms or does the API not work or what? Hooks/API are broken. Reports say isFaceing is broken which takes part in most scripts and randoms. Gotcha. A lot of people were informing/complaining that my scripts were broken and it sounded more like an API issue than a script issue. Thanks for the confirmation.
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