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Do Not Trade
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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. Welcome mate Since you have a decent crafting/mage level. You can try the Magic Training Arena, which in that 30days you could have 99 mage and maybe a 20m profit depending on price fluctuation. Or You could craft and enchant your own jewelry, right now you can manipulate and abuse the prices of Ring of Life's, especially. But also Strength Ammie's, Recoils, etc.... Hope this helps
  2. This ^ If you could get the Fairytail Logo in there somewhere, I'd be truly grateful!
  3. Oh snap, what are you complaining about, that looks amazing mate! I will buy it on Monday :P
  4. it is vary anoying wen @Raflesia wont fix da bot. he will be in chatbux but wont turn it back online? wdf
  5. Catastrophe

    Kill La Kill

    That looks awesome mate :P When I get some money I'd like to get one of Natsu from Fairytail with maybe a 'Catastrophe' in there somewhere. Until then, keep up the good work ;)
  6. I had to vote for someone for demote and you're the one I know the least, but I honestly have nothing against you, but in order for my vote for promotion to go through I had to vote for someone to be demoted first, so I'm really sorry man I
  7. Don't worry I like Dragonball Z, so you are safe from demotion. #Gilgad4Super
  8. Who will be left behind to rot as a Global as the other(s) move ahead? Lmfao.
  9. Was editing it, had to secure my first spot.
  10. Curses. And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your dog!
  11. Fish don't climb but they swim. Meaning that just because someone can't do one thing, doesn't necessarily mean they cannot do another. Everyone has an area or field in which they will and can excel in, in comparison to other fields; in the fishes case; Swimming and Climbing. Fish cannot climb, but they are great swimmers. The same way as some people have a mind for science and academics, where others are physically gifted. Not to say that both cannot exist within one entity, but usually that person will always excel in at least one area. So don't judge others for what they cannot do or achieve, but instead; exalt them for what they can achieve.
  12. 'coz' Your grammar is as poor as your Runescape account. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ex-Staff master race son.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcXpdQjHi-U This shit is hilarious, but so damn creepy.
  14. Great idea Swizz, nice to see you scripters helping each other out
  15. Noob Edit: Last answer was wrong, woops.
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