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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    I know that feel.
  2. it works well only if i configure it myself (which i did) however it will be difficult for the user until I add a real gui and loading/saving, although, i'm literally 2-3 small features away from releasing
  3. Czar

    My TreeFilter

    looking good m9 edit; hope to see u with a blue name soon, it will match your profile pic too ;p
  4. sorry its an upcoming script, my trolling wasnt convincing enough :P the xp was at ghouls with whip or saradomin sword, its around ~49k now
  5. Well I added that to seem more humanlike.. I can tone it down however
  6. I can only think of cheaphax ways atm, hopefully a dev posts
  7. yep, today was one of those ban days..
  8. Alright I will move the walking node near the bridge to another place (to avoid walking completely around it), thanks for the feedback As for the hopping, I will try make that, however if it is in combat, it may cause some problems, but I will add an option for it
  9. @Jagger - don't have ammo in your load inventory, otherwise it will take them out each time, and if it doesn't have them it will throw error logs Version 2.31 - Added failsafe for camelot bank - Removed glitch for 'doesnt have XX'
  10. Hmm I will speak to the SDN manager hopefully he pushes update soon :P
  11. Czar

    memory running out

    Advanced tab when launching osbot
  12. Thanks for the detailed response, I will provide a few immediate fixes to the arrow bug and the walking. Version 2.26 - No longer loots arrows when full inventory - Drops junk (vials etc) Update should be live within an hour.
  13. Czar


    gratzzzz im almost there too w00h00
  14. Version 2.1 - Added bones to peaches support - Added north experiment spot - Added east experiment spot - Fixed special attacks - Webwalking support Update should be live within a few hours Guys, tell me if the memory usage is getting high, since now I made the script more memory-intensive, it works better however.
  15. Try anti-pattern dropping if regular dropping, and vice-versa, until I fix this. Somebody should've posted.. I was here relaxing thinking it's fine Anyways new update coming soon.
  16. hmm they have the same options right? Net/Lure or something, I guess I will investigate :P
  17. Alright I pushed the cleaning herbs update for now since it was high priority, now i'll work on adding a slider and improving speed. Although I can't promise any mouse speed, I can provide some nice features to the pattern of the cleaning (snake order or normal order) to improve herbs/hr. Version 1.22 - Fixed herb cleaning (it now withdraws the GRIMY herb) The update may take up to an hour to be verified.
  18. Version 2.0 - Re-wrote entire script - Walking system completely revamped - Interaction system completely revamped - Should now attack the spider experiments - No longer gets stuck banking - No longer gets stuck while walking to experiments Update should be live within an hour or two, thanks for being patient guys!
  19. What! It takes clean version? I will fix this immediately D:, thanks for the feedback. How's the speed btw?
  20. Divinity is doing a sick job tbh. EVEN with exams he manages to script, push updates and release scripts. I'm sitting here with exams too and I haven't done anything close Edit: oops op meant more managers, but its fine atm updates take max 2-3 hours
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