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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Good job lol, I've noticed this too, so annoying <_<
  2. PM me the details and it will be fixed. Don't worry guys the script still works
  3. Yeah, I guess I will re-write my calculations again
  4. PerfectFisher and crawlers *edited - saw the level 3 part*
  5. Good luck on this :P may competition lead to innovative features!
  6. if (getInventory().isItemSelected()) { npc.interact("use"); } else { getInventory().interact("Use", "item name"); } Excuse the horrible code format and overall code, this is just the idea ;)
  7. Good luck! These type of threads are getting popular and it's very interesting to see the progress and future goals
  8. Don't be like me and resume botting like nothing ever happened, you will just get banned even quicker
  9. Hmm I will investigate the leeches/vampires part, however, did the bot reach the bank at all?
  10. Unfortunately you need to at least set any food ID, even if you don't use food I can make some changes to higher levelled players in the next update.
  11. Open any folder in windows, and type this in the directory bar : %userprofile% and then you should be re-directed to your user folder. In your user folder there is a folder called OSBot. > Extract mirrorclient.zip to OSBot/Data > Make sure you have only 1 java installed jre8 (x86) > Run runescape from their launcher (or browser) > Run OSbot, enabled mirror mode in the option > Success
  12. Screenshot please? And show the console log too
  13. wow bg 1 looks so epic, link plox
  14. It will probs take up to an hour, I pmed divinity to add the update. @Newell you have 1 week of experiments starting today.
  15. Posting a quick fix for the mage training. Version 2.51 EDIT: Guys please find some bugs, I think the script is working however I only just tested for 3 hours and there weren't any problems (AFK mode too). The auth offer is closed for now.
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