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Everything posted by Czar

  1. If you want a slower, more accurate, more botlike method, untick the antipattern dropping. If you want a faster, humanlike dropping pattern, tick antipattern dropping. The speed is irrelevant, as every human has the capability to move their mouse fast. I have made the script slow down the mouse movement over time to emulate a human's tiredness. EDIT: Next update will feature a click speed option for the users complaining about it
  2. Misclicking is not botlike, because robots do not make mistakes, humans do. The more inaccurate it is, the more humanlike it is.
  3. Czar


    Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it As for the paint timer, that's an easy fix which will be in the next update. ;)
  4. Czar


    You are king of the progress reports @Project sure man, I can use some ideas for this script.
  5. Czar


    The mouse speed is fine, the clicking speed can be optional. Next update may feature an interactive paint button for increasing/decreasing mouse clicks. I'm not setting up an entire GUI for one option. Unless you guys have more options you want in the GUI.
  6. Czar


    Yeah, 2M for an unlimited auth. Hmm I can record a video, but there are many images in the OP showing hours of use, so I'm 100% it works :P
  7. Czar


    Yeah, there was a post here a few pages back, which explained the bonuses, I will find it and post here.
  8. Czar


    It spam clicks in completely randomized intervals, so it is less botlike. Unless you want slower clicking and drastically reduced xp, I can add it. I assure you it won't change any ban rates though.
  9. Version 1.3 - Fixed ladders - Changed logo
  10. Czar


    Are you using latest client? Version 2.3.28
  11. Increase your memory usage because it's full, it should fix the problem Updated to 2.2, should be live within 12 hours. Fixed some issues people were having with paths.
  12. Czar


    @Relax thanks for the progress report man @0 b s e r, any details such as the console log? Hmm I think the resources are taking long to load, because the script works fine. Run the script, wait a few minutes for it to load, and tell me if anything goes wrong, also how's the memory usage? I will update the font, because one of the font files are now unavailable and the script is trying to find it so I need to get the fonts elsewhere :L
  13. If anybody has a GUI issue just type 0 in the box
  14. Czar


    Which client version are you using and please show console because the script should be working
  15. Are you sure you have 76 fishing? And can you screenshot the exact fishing spot options (right click it and screenshot)
  16. Nvm, found the issue. Made a quick update for this bug :L Sorry guys it was a small mistake, I must've been tired at that time. Version 2.1 - Dropping fixed - Experience counter fixed - Added 'Stop script when XX fishing' (e.g. stop script when reaches 70 fishing) Also, do you guys want a fish 1 drop 1 option? [DEBUG][bot #1][02/12 11:25:36 PM]: / Fishing level has reached the stopping level [27], terminating... ^ Fixed paint, ^ fixed dropping (look at the anchovies under my character)
  17. You are able to use it immediately, however since jagex just made an update today I suggest you wait a few more hours since bot detection is easiest right after rs updates
  18. Czar


    Nooo don't bot on update days, wait at least 8 hours before starting to bot again ! After an update, Jagex detect bots extremely easily so there will be more bans on update days
  19. Yep, noticed this one sorry guys, I pushed an update yesterday before I went to sleep. It should be 2.0 now, not 1.91 anymore. Give it a few hours for the managers to accept my update and everything should be fine Version 2.0 - Fixed dropping - Fixed salmon (used to be set as bait >.<) - Added more Shilo Village paths - Shilo village no longer bugs out when no fishing spots - Added fish/hr to paint Should be live within 12 hours!
  20. Czar


    // Ran out of coins! Terminating... Hmm you have to start scripts while logged in, otherwise it won't do very well (since it clearly can't find the coins), although if you have the coins, and that message still shows up, screenshot it, or better yet, record a video of your problem and I can identify it immediately and fix your issue. Also please make sure to use the latest OSBot client :P
  21. Czar


    Because you are not setting your account in account manager.
  22. If it logs you out for salmon, try trout fishing, it won't log you out
  23. Do you have feathers/bait in inventory? If so, screenshot and tell me what it says on the console log
  24. Thanks for the posts guys, and the script is STILL at 1.25, the manager hasn't updated my script in 3 days. :L But yeah, as aquax123 posted, you can fish in the fishing guild if you have any other problems :P (the shilo village bug is already fixed in v2.0)
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