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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar


    Yep, we are still waiting for the admins to add my updates. It is fixed in the new version, don't worry . It will take a few hours though. EDIT: Sorry about this guys, jagex updated their dialogues to support keyboard clicking (space, 1234 etc) and now OSBot has changed the way dialogues work. So I had to update my script to support that. Don't worry though, the script is now faster without manually clicking the dialogues (only using keyboard) than it has ever been. And it will never break in the future. EDIT2: Also, this script will always be updated within 30 minutes.
  2. Done. Update will appear within a few hours.
  3. Wait until it's updated to 3.07. most issues will be fixed. It will drop tunas until the entire inventory contains swordfish
  4. ;) Don't worry man, just tell me if you guys have any suggestions/fixes and I will update asap
  5. Czar


    Version 1.45 - Fixed dialogues, script is now more efficient - Fixed time to next level bug (FINALLY) now shows correct goal time These updates now give you more XP/hr without sacrificing detectability, thanks to Jagex's new dialogue keyboard update Update should be live within an hour.
  6. Alright guys another fix will be here since OSBot updated again/ Version 3.07 - Added yet another dialogue check on top of every node, so if there is a dialogue it will click it - Uses keyboard keys for continuing dialogue (even faster) Alright, I tested this with shrimp in lumbridge (powerfishing) and it didn't get stuck on dialogues anymore. If you are having problems, remember to update the OSBot client to version .46. Update should be live within ~an hour.
  7. OSBot is back up ;) Have fun botting
  8. Well Runescape just updated today so we must wait some time until OSBot is fixed
  9. Alright well I'm going to add 2 updates now, one may fix the barbarian fishing, the other one will make sure it never stays idle. So I suppose one of these updates will surely fix the issues. Version 3.06 - Used my range guild's dialogue system - No longer stays idle when in a dialogue I literally just tested it and it works, so there shouldn't be any more problems related to dialogues anymore, since I used my ranger's code.
  10. It's up to you, maybe you can be lucky with bans maybe not, however I suggest if you want to bot 16 hrs + /day then enable some small breaks. Otherwise, just use the mirror client it works really well
  11. VIP can be very useful - you can use the mirror client which boasts undetected botting (you are essentially invisible to jagex) the only problem is you can't bot too much (16+hrs/day) otherwise it gets risky. Mirror client is VIP only though.
  12. Yes, this is fixed as of version 3.05. We are still waiting for the update though. It should be approved by the SDN Manager within an hour or two.
  13. Czar


    Version 1.4 - Reset the versions from 4.0 to 1.4 (continuing on the second number) - FIXED PAINT ISSUE - now shows the correct time until goal level - Improved code efficiency, should now work even more smoothly than before Update should be live within an hour
  14. Czar


    Yes I know, this has been an issue for the past month or so, don't worry it's just a paint issue. I will mess around with the code and provide an update soon.
  15. Version 3.05 - Fixed drop other fish - Changed 'keep other fish' to 'drop other fish' in GUI - No longer attempts to fish when inventory is full - No longer stuck on dialogues - Added a state debugger (now shows which state the script is in, e.g. fishing/dropping/banking) Update should be live within an hour. EDIT: Also, good news, my account is ready for barbarian fishing so I can test the tick-fishing I wrote
  16. Np man, btw are you guys using the latest client? version .44 EDIT: For a temporary fix, have the inventory open to avoid getting stuck, that seems to be the issue.
  17. Hmm well I will re-code that, so when do you want it to drop the fish? When inventory is full or every time it fishes a tuna
  18. Restart client and it should be fine
  19. Did you unselect 'Keep other fish' option, and are you banking or dropping btw? I will have a fix within an hour if so. Seems like there is an issue with dialogues, I will fix this too. Thanks for the feedback guys!
  20. Then you'll have to sacrifice a few junk items, cmon man it won't hurt lol. I'm adding a few features right now including special attacks and cannon support, I will add randomized walking so it will avoid the tiles with items, but that is still easy to get banned if you always step on a non-item tile all the time. I will change it around a little. Version 2.3 eta ~1-2 hours
  21. Turn on minimap walking if you don't want junk, I guess I have a few more checks to add before walking
  22. Make sure you have one java version installed, uninstall all the other javas (including 64 bit ones) and then try again
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