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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Thanks for all the feedback! I will fix all of these in ~30 minutes, almost home.
  2. Version 1.7 - Fixed paint for ranged - Fixed arrow looting - Fixed ranging, with bows and knives too - Script now stops when out of arrows - Now wields ranging ammo when 50+ in inventory - Re-wrote combat code - Added ranging potion support Update should be live within an hour Also, planned updates for 1.8 include spot rotation (changes spot every X minutes/hours/trips), bones to peaches support and special attacks.
  3. Thanks guys, if you are having issues with resetting region, just don't enable aggressive mode for now, I will check it out. The script should be updated to 1.73 now and I am taking more suggestions for updates.
  4. Yes I forgot to add that, its in version 1.73. Apologies guys. Should be up soon. It will hop when 7 or more players are there. EDIT: It only hops if you enable hopping, otherwise it won't ever hop How is combat now? Much better eh? Don't rush into things man, it's just a few bugs which are easily fixable. For me it's working bloody flawless right now, even faster than it was before. I'm literally getting double xp, woah this is actually amazing i'm glad i made this update
  5. as long as i dont have to travel across rs to buy some iron boots or a yew longbow, im fine with it
  6. Well I guess i'll add the minimap walking (fixes a lot of 'bugs' as you guys call them, but also risks botlike-behaviour :L) @Alexander, stop bitching, 1/2 of your 'bugs' are bullshit, 1/3 are already updated in the next version (which you aren't even using) and the rest are legit. I will fix those right now. Version 1.7 - Added minimap walking for crabs - No longer picks up junk - No longer gets stuck near the area - No longer attempts to hop while in combat - Added cannon checking for west crabs Update will be live within an hour (once the admin accepts the update). EDIT: This only took 10 minutes to fix, hold your horses before you get a refund @Udidoo, my skype = Czarscripting
  7. Relax guys, bugs aren't permanent. I will make some fixes right now. Besides, it hasn't even updated to 1.7 yet so stop complaining until the admins update the script
  8. Version 1.7 - Hobgoblin avoidance is now more powerful - Added hop at X players option Update should be live within an hour
  9. Hmm yes I can add hobgoblin avoiding, however it's best to choose the east side if you want to avoid them completely. There is already a GUI option for hopping with cannons and I will add the X people hop in the next version.
  10. loool nah mate its a coincidence :P
  11. Lmfao yep, I had no other choice ^^
  12. Version 2.95 - Fixed fishing guild - sometimes getting stuck - Added a delay to walking plank when sailing (it was tooo fast) Update should be live within an hour
  13. Will be fixed within an hour when I get home, I know exactly what is causing that issue.
  14. Hmm is the script version 1.6 yet?
  15. I know , it was directed at the other posters here, i forgot to mention that
  16. do you not response code m9s https://rswiki.moparisthebest.com/index.php?title=317_Protocol#Response_Codes just 1 byte for system update theres a tiny packet which i'm sure isnt difficult to identify Ontopic: GJ on ocr man, i remember talking about it XD
  17. We must wait until an admin/sdn manager updates the script, which should be within 2 hours max
  18. No clue, I will find a new mirror to the font though, since it can't find the link XD
  19. Fixed in version 1.6, forgot to add a few stuff from before Alright, recap from last page: Version 1.6 - Added knife support - Added ranging potion - Fixed an issue where sometimes it gets stuck in cave Thanks for the suggestions, update will be live within an hour!
  20. Version 1.6 - Added knife support - Added ranging potion Thanks for the suggestions, update will be live within an hour!
  21. Ah that was a nice run though XD Changed the script image to fit the next version (3.0)
  22. Yep, it picks up arrows, I need to update my thread to show that, thanks mate
  23. A way you can do this would be to scrape free proxies, create accounts and possibly re-use them after 15 minutes (to bypass the 3 account limit) EDIT: Nvm didn't read about the bans :L
  24. http://osbot.org/forum/store/product/463-perfect-crabs/
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