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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I would like to thank my legs for always supporting me, I would also like to thank my arms for always being by my side, and last but not least I would like to thank my fingers because I always know I can count on them
  2. Script online! Thanks Div
  3. Alright tell me if its ever slow, I can make optimizations to improve the speed
  4. How is karamja fishing guys? I had to write a custom dialogue handler for the deposit box until OSBot api is fixed. It worked on my end, I just wanna see how it works for you guys
  5. Alright, I pushed a mini update (version 1.5) which checks for hp using a different method, hopefully this one will fix it. I'm levelling an account atm and I will be able to test it in a few days, meanwhile I will still be pushing technical updates.
  6. New update in ~30 minutes.
  7. Open OSBot, click run, open the browse tab, go to fishing, and you will see my script there ;) Version 2.65 - Hardcoded the deposit all method, so now it's with mouse coordinates until OSBot is fixed - Fixed a few banking checks which caused errors @ThreshHook Anymore suggestions? Post below
  8. Hmm strange, I thought I fixed it already. http://i.gyazo.com/a4b2e93c60f377fba1b9a8da39a30cc6.gif It's version 2.3.29 and perfectfisher 2.6 correct?
  9. Hmm scroll up and pm me the rest of the console, I need to know what line is causing that. How is karamja fishing guys?
  10. Looks like they didn't use PerfectCrabs
  11. Alright let me fix barbarian village banking ETA ~15 minutes Yes, you're right. Banking doesn't work in version 2.5. However, I just ran version 2.6 and it seems to be working perfectly. Sorry about that guys, 2.6 will be updated as soon as an admin verifies it.
  12. Banking should work for trout/salmon, just enable banking. If it doesn't post in detail what is going on
  13. Enable anti-afk in the GUI, because the script AFKs by default so it acts more humanlike. Looks like it AFKed a little too much. Version 2.6 - Fixed ship chartering from Port Sarim to Karamja & vice-versa - Fixed some walking issues - Lowered AFK timer so it doesn't log out sometimes Any more suggestions guys? Tested barbarian fishing, works, testing shrimp + lobster fishing in karamja, works, tested catherby lobster fishing, works. If I missed anything, post here.
  14. Works 100%, stop lying. I need to improve the speed of the process though, it does take a few seonds to actually talk to the customs officer. Here it is, after depositing fish. Next update will feature faster ship chartering
  15. Alright I will verify, and push another update. ETA ~30 minutes.
  16. It works, the script was just updated to version 2.5. Just make sure you are using the latest client and selecting the correct options. In the future, explain why it doesn't work in detail, so I can fix it immediately.
  17. Lmao i'm sorry man I don't know what/why/how that is happening Perhaps my next update will fix it, I will add double checks for hp before eating (one with skill and other with getHealth())
  18. Version 2.5 - Fixed barbarian fishing - Slightly improved paint Should be up within 12 hours! Post some progress reports guys
  19. holy shit is this real i cant believe it
  20. Czar


    Will fix this, it's a simple 1 line of code and I will change. Update coming soon.
  21. Did you choose the lobster option? Lobster fishing works.. I tried to fish and I don't have 40 fishing, but it still works
  22. Oops, I only designed it for melee, silly me. Did it perform well (excluding the paint)? Judging by the 6 hours I assume it did Next update will include a fixed paint for range, and less robotic interaction
  23. Experiments cave in canifis, requires starting creature of fenkenstrain, really good spot to train combat
  24. Banking works everywhere in my latest update. Just tested in catherby, karamja, draynor and fishing guild. All locations use the same code so it works everywhere. If you are having problems with osbot 2.3.29, try osbot 2.3.28, and vice versa. ^ As of 2/21/2015 ( 10 minutes ago )
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