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Everything posted by Czar

  1. hmm try client .75 (experimental version) maybe they made interactions faster
  2. hmm strange, i already have that can you try the script once more to confirm please
  3. looks really good man, ali ftw
  4. I will never abandon my scripts, I will always update them within 30 minutes like I have been doing in the past 8 months I meant retirement as in not making more scripts, I have only 1 or 2 scripts left to make ;)
  5. well if you're already dropping, it will drop all fish, so no need to enable that
  6. Czar


    make sure you enable 'always right click'
  7. hmm, which client version are you using, gui options etc? it's working fine for me edit: don't enable antipattern drop perhaps
  8. Both issues will be fixed ASAP.
  9. then dont use .75, it is only experimental by the devs besides, I have made some nice updates and the script will be even better after these updates, make sure to use .74 when my updates arrive i guess
  10. i know, and sorta. It's really rare though I hope there's no inconvenience. Its a mistake which lowers anti-ban :P
  11. Version 2.33 - Changes to pathfinding - No longer specs if you disabled specs in GUI update will be live within a few hours
  12. i wanted to add some variety to the fish spots, instead of grabbing the nearest spot (like a bot always would)
  13. It was designed and optimized for mirror mode - so in normal mode it works even better
  14. done, 24 hours , enjoy mate ;)
  15. screenshot where it gets stuck and ill move around the pathfinding nodes (so it wont get stuck anymore)
  16. finished it off while adding this script, both will be uploaded same time ;D
  17. no it isn't i am trying to locate the X/Y coordinates of the humidify spell, since osbot's lunar spell handler is broken if anybody here has access to lunar, can you please enable mouse position debug in OSBot settings and hover over humidify spell, and tell me the X/Y coordinate of the spell (it will show up)
  18. oops, will update the thread @everyone, thank you for kind words
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