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Everything posted by Czar

  1. alright I will make some more changes to waterbirth today
  2. make sure you load inventory WITH food, otherwise the script will keep tryna bank and look for food
  3. sure, my skype is czarscripting added
  4. don't use anti-pattern dropping, I need to remove it or make an alternative as for the fishing guild, post a screenshot of the entire client (and console log, second button from the top right) and I'll fix your issues asap
  5. Czar


    make sure you run all scripts while in fixed mode (classic oldschool) otherwise there will be issues
  6. any info? gui settings, mirror mode, resizeable mode? script is back to normal again, I pushed an update earlier (~1 hour ago)
  7. yep, just posted a fix for that, it should be available soon, sorry guys!
  8. how is the new update, any improvements toward aggros?
  9. dont feel bad, i need to make sure it doesnt log out any details (gui options, mirror mode, resizeable) etc? usually when I test for these bugs they dont happen, so if theres a specific way to make the bug happen, tell me and ill investigate asap
  10. i accidently made it log out, i just pushed a fix it will be available within an hour or so
  11. ouch, will fix asap sorry
  12. no dont worry xD just careful tho, rs is making an update today so I would advise turning off the bots for a few hours
  13. Czar


    personally I wait 2-4 hours after update, depending on how patient/impatient i am, the hours in UK are 9-5 so I guess in CA time you can start botting at around noon
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