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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Version 0.05 - Added an option to stop script after out of runes (experimental) - Reduced click radius of spells to reduce misclicks - Now banks immediately after casting humidify (without fish bowl mode) update will be available within a few hours
  2. Czar


    If you are ever paranoid about bans, either bot during a time when jmods aren't working, or use mirror mode to eliminate client detection .. ;)
  3. okay so banking is messed up, I will make some changes asap
  4. Czar


    what a legend edit: good luck bro! ;)
  5. There has been an RS update today and it has messed up some stuff, however I have fixed them and the script update will be available within an hour or so
  6. Will fix ASAP , rs update messed up some stuff edit: Version 0.08 - Fixed RS update issues, script now runs normally again
  7. dayummm some nice progress in this thread, dont give up, 99 str ftw
  8. ohhh the first login is an issue if you start the script while logged out it can mess up as for the varrock, I will get on it asap, ty edit: i can try make a workaround for the autologin on startup
  9. which location does it mess up and did you set your account in account manager? osbot will auto login whenever your account logs out as for the custom feature, I will fix this ASAP, thank you and apologies!
  10. before i check anything, are you sure you hooked mirror mode while logged out? usually it turns everything null and you have to re-log
  11. relaaaaaaaaaaaax maann... what is wrong with it? make sure you're running fixed mode and you hooked mirror mode while logged out An update is coming within an hour or so, I'm almost done with misclicking and safety features
  12. sorry about that man, I will end up making the script stop, I'm almost done building the list of runes for each spell
  13. no I mean which spell are you casting so I can change some click points
  14. which spell is misclicking?
  15. show me a screenshot and I will fix ASAP. make sure to open the console log very glad to hear this, thank you for the kind words
  16. was it with single fish bowl mode or multiple items? (e.g. many vials or clay)
  17. done, both fixed in version 2.64 if you want to bot in the meantime, there is a file in user/OSBot/Data/ called cc.cfg or pfc.cfg open it and that is your inventory file, you can rename the food etc until this update is live
  18. i would say yes, in fact I just did that yesterday, got 31 mining, went mlm and started, im almost 60 mining now
  19. Czar


    turn 'right-click only' in your rs click settings
  20. when it shows 0.07, it means the script is updated
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