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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Fixed, will be live within a few hours, apologies guys
  2. Fast mode is less reliable but incredibly higher xp/hr, only use that if you are babysitting the bot :P If not, then don't enable fast mode As for the astral rune, yes I will fix that ASAP
  3. go to your scripts list and hit the refresh button
  4. done, enjoy trial ;) make sure to use fixed mode, and default camera zoom, and enjoy ;)
  5. Czar


    You must wait until your payment is processed, in the meantime I have activated a 24 hour auth for you so you can use the script until the payment is completed enjoy ;)
  6. Czar


    Ignore everything else, just make sure to enable default zoom and it will work ;) Tell me how it goes
  7. Nope but I can easily add that feature, and I will ;) It will be in version 0.37
  8. Czar


    Oh, I forgot to mention make sure you have default zoom enabled, just right click the mouse zoom icon in the rs settings tab
  9. Czar


    Make sure you are using fixed mode, make sure you hook mirror mode while logged out of rs, and make sure your rs click settings are on: 'always right-click' as long as you nail those three points down, it will be fine ;) let me know if there are any issues.
  10. I added an update which should be live today, that fixes pathfinding issues, give it 1 more try and tell me how it goes
  11. Make sure to use latest client, and to start the script while you're logged in
  12. Okay I will make some changes to hunter kits ASAP, thanks for the feedback @Croat - Make sure to start the script while logged in :P @dragon, enjoy 24 hour trial
  13. Version 0.36 - Added paint for ranging - Fixed ladders and entrance update will be live within a few hours, (that's my ranged level in the pic, showing that it's fixed :P)
  14. Okay no worries I will be doing another update for upstairs mode today, I am almost 72 mining so that means I can actually test it extensively.
  15. I'll make some changes to runite ore right now, update coming within 30 minutes
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