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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Aw well it's monday today, I turned off all my bots just in case :P Mod weath has an assistant too so it doesn't make botting life any easier hehe As for shortcut, it will only do it when it's assigned mining area is north east (if it was, and it didn't take shortcut, confirm it and i will investigate asap)
  2. definitely an improvement since you started gfx
  3. make sure to use latest mirror client (1.092)
  4. Version 0.34 - Super combat potions now work update will be live soon
  5. Noo I made it randomize the eat number every time you eat food, so if you eat at 31 hp next one will probably be 24 or something
  6. glad to see these nice progress reports @Caesar, I have taken note of every point you made, and will provide an update ASAP, thanks for the detailed report
  7. Version 0.11 - Fixed falador west mine - Fixed varrock west mine - Clay is no longer treated as Blurite ore update will be live within a few hours don't worry guys, bugs/errors aren't permanent, you do realize i'm one of the most dedicated scripters here? bugs do happen, and that's why I'm here to fix them
  8. Glad to see that progress report, as for that stuck issue, fixed in next version apologies
  9. Version 0.34 - Fixed edgeville yew banking - Now drops other logs (e.g. if you cut magic tree, and get a regular log, it will drop regular log) update will be live within a few hours enjoy!
  10. Glad to hear that, will improve custom spot mining ASAP. ;)
  11. Update pushed, will be live within a few hours, just tested a variety of features
  12. Fixed, version 0.1 is now live, enjoy guys!
  13. It already drinks potions just make sure you have them loaded in inventory as for .38, i have reminded the sdn manager to push the update, should be here within a few hours at max ;D
  14. Version 0.28 - Fixed fishing guild walking issue - Fixed open inventory tab issue update will be live within a few hours ;) enjoy guys, post some proggies!
  15. i guess, or just powermining since that works for now xD don't worry though i have reminded the sdn manager to update and it will be updated within a few hours
  16. Yep, looks like it affects fally too, oh well i gave you 48 hours trial so once they update the script, it will work in fally too
  17. I will give you 48 hour trial until lumbridge west is fixed on the sdn
  18. i'll release it, already finished it but it only supports lumbridge spinning and camelot spinning, and gnome flax and camelot flax picking
  19. I can only suggest to ask both scripters for a 24 hour auth and compare which one is better, I can't bias over any of them since I've never used them edit: i'm glad to hear this script has gotten you many logs I'm constantly trying to make this script better and better
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