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Everything posted by Czar

  1. are you using fast mode? anyway, I will provide some safety checks for stunning spells, although it's best to cast this on easy target npcs such as bears in varrock or any other large npc (so there are less misclicks)
  2. if you ever get banned, change ip and delete jagexcache and it will be difficult to get banned next time also if you aren't using mirror, use it if you want to eliminate client detection ;) mirror + this script = success
  3. glad it's working now that core functionality is fine, i will work on smaller things now e.g. banking speed
  4. fixed. update will be live within a few hours
  5. unlucky mate it was a good run tho, 90 fishing ;o
  6. good luck man, check if windows updates is turned off l0l, otherwise pc restart
  7. which spell, I will make it stop after its out of runes
  8. Just fixed it, update will be live soon, I ended up fixing other lunar spells too
  9. Czar


    gratz, you made it into the proggy hall of fame ;D
  10. I can't control mouse misclicks man, the only thing we can do is use latest version of osbot (.75) since the other scripters claim that interactions have improved, trust me, we've been complaining about it for a long time now, since it affects EVERY script (not just mine)
  11. i know i know, i was going to get 85 mining and add runite rocks, but oh well I guess I will add that later and release the script now
  12. I've managed to find a fix, it will be available within a few hours ;D (already updated it, just waiting on an sdn update)
  13. fixed, don't worry. version 0.03 will be back to normal again
  14. well i didn't intend to stop after 10 splashes, but after X amount (amount is random), for the safety of your account, you can thank me later less banrate > higher xp edit: i can make it do less mistakes, but I will add an option for it edit2: how is the exp while moving camera? is there any difference
  15. well i didnt change any code for stunalch, it should be 140k+, how fast is your pc, are you using mirror, did you position camera angle closer to the bear etc
  16. hmm that's strange lol, go back to .74 like me :P if you have no luck with xp, try changing the npc, (i used the bear in varrock, big target = easier to click = easier mouse movements)
  17. Czar


    I did, and the paint even says to open the store if you need to buy tickets :P I avoided making a useless GUI for 1 option xD
  18. fixed, will be available within a few hours
  19. enable 'left click only' in the rs mouse settings as for the range timer, i will fix the ammo and the paint
  20. hmm are you sure that you are using fixed mode, with no transparency or anything?
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