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Everything posted by Czar
For script stopping, make sure the target goal level is not reached, the script is only programmed to logout when the goal is reached (e.g. 99 woodcutting level) As for dragon axe special, update posted, should be live in next version asap ^^
Done refresh scripts and enjoy, update v111 is now live
You need to set food for rock crabs, even if you don't need food, click 'Load inventory' on the setup window ^^ I will add an update in the next version so that it doesn't require food
Done, activated all trials good luck everyone ;)
There is still an update pending, I was trying to update the setup window and the entire interface broke, so sorry guys. Please choose a free script while waiting for the update to be registered Posted a quick update (version 0.34 is now latest version) - Fixed startup issues - Increased eat hp from 25% minimum to 50% minimum, no more dying - Script now converts bones to peaches when low on food, even if there aren't many bones - Added a new update to loot window update will be live within a few hours max
It's not, the script has anti-pattern so every user has unique settings, try to use more breaks, use a 2:1 hour break ratio for the lowest ban rate ^^ as for trial, gl activated ;)
New update! v111 - Added unbankable items to the exception list, no longer banks genie lamps and other unbankable items - Added an update to prioritize eating over thieving - Fixed deathwalk, falador gate - Added a few updates to increase performance - Added rellekka nature chest - Updated deadman worlds - Added 'lightweight mode' for ultra performance, but less features those are all the bugs I have noticed, will post another update if I find any other bugs ASAP ^^ update should be live within 24 hours, gl everyone the paint will say v1.11 on the new version edit: also guys, if you want the script to save npcs and avoid pickpocketing multiple npcs, try 'save npc mode' option, let me know how it goes ^^ and make sure to choose the correct tile for nature chests, they are at the southern building, not adjacent to the baker stall, but just south-east of the baker stall. Couldn't find any bugs, the script was thieving nature chests perfectly fine, but I added rellekka chests too , so it's all good also please don't enable low memory mode, it ironically increases memory for some reason. as for trials, activated all trials gl No bug reports until version v1.11 is live please ^^
done activated 24h trial gl ;)
Which specific tile does the bot get stuck on, I will go and re-arrange the walking system nodes there ASAP As for DMM mode, I made it run to the nearest bank, although now that I think about it, I should make the script run to the nearest safe/guarded bank, another update coming up for dmm system as for trials, refresh scripts all the rock/sand crab update is still pending, shouldn't take too long hopefully ignore version (should be v109), here is a quick screenshot just to let everybody know that it supports rock crabs now, will update this post at 3 hour proggy edit: Added sand crab proggy:
done activated trial, there is an update which will be posted very soon so i activated 48hr trial @pinky no need, I will fix falador bug but which walking option did you select? when the script starts up there should be a list of 3-4 walking settings and the default one is good but it's not good for walking long distances
I have noted all the bugs down, another big update coming up, thanks for the feedback man, really appreciate it ^^ - for deathwalk which walking option did you select, have you tried OSBot Webwalker? Since it's more of a global walker, it knows how to walk from lumbridge back to ardy, As for the other bugs, I will be updating this post within an hour or so, with the new updates, thanks again! Also thank you for purchasing the bot multiple times, I really appreciate that , very motivating to continue adding updates and new features ^^
done activated trials gl everyone ;)
rock crab update should be live today hopefully ^^ I added some extra features from the rock crab script but also for the users who will use the script in deadman worlds, I tested the script with normal skull icons but I programmed the script for all skull icons except the non_skull_icon. I made the bot escape to bank as soon as there is another pker in the minimap. please let me know if there are any bugs thanks!
activated trials gl everyone ;)
I will upgrade the dmm boundaries, update coming up ^^ as for trials, activated all 24h trials @in response to flame post: stop flaming the thread man.. I already posted an update which will improve the script performance, but mirror-mode client is insanely high memory (basically 2 clients at once) edit: but don't worry more performance updates coming up ^^
done activated both trials good luck 48h trials edit: refresh scripts
2 day bans are incredibly lucky, most scripts would result in a permanent ban. The best way to avoid 2 day bans (manual jmod bans) is by changing the bot hours to non-uk work hours, it's that simple .. ^^ gl activated all 24h trials
done good luck all, activated 24h trial ;)
done refresh scripts and good luck on 24h trial EDIT: Posted an update for world hop, should be live within 24 hours max. Latest version is now: v018 - Worldhop re-activated gl everyone ;)
Cannon support will be added to this script in the very near future, since I also need to code cannon support for the aio fighter script too and I will just convert the code over ^^ As for ankous, how did the script die, did you set food in the setup window (except for b2p/peaches)? Regardless, I will test ankous again and add an update if there are any bugs Also guys, I will be upgrading the looting window, in the next update there will just be a visual table of all possible loot items, and they will be clickable so just click the items that you wish to loot from npcs ^^
Any error in console log? I will fix wolves in ardy zoo, is the script trying to attack another wolf or is it just causing an error when walking to safespot? I will test wolfs in ardy zoo and post an update asap Guys, the last update (v109) is still not live yet, should be live any moment, once it is live the script setup window will look like this: And the hotkey for dmm will be F9 not F8 since F8 is already used. Got more special npcs to be added very soon ^^
done activated trials gl ;)
done activated trials gl ;) posted a quick update, the misclick chance is reduced, less antiban but higher accuracy, although I highly recommend higher antiban and less accuracy as for script bundle, I've always wanted to sell scripts at a discounted price but the osbot store doesn't have any system for discounts/deals. I used to give unlimited trials as a deal (e.g. buy 2 scripts and get 1 free) but then the admins said you can't use trials for permanent scripts. I can only give 999 hour trials though (~1 month?) as a promotion, maybe even 1500-2000 hour