Well the pro goldfarmers run 1 bot per user (on a windows machine for example), user as in 'guest', 'admin', 'user1' etc etc the user accounts in windows will have different jcaches, and you can pretty much bot for a long time, but not 24/7 botting. Also, mirror-mode client is a massive improvement over normal client. But regardless, I upgraded the antiban in the last update so there will be less ban rate
version 0.32 update should be live any moment ^^ Had to make sure the safespot system is perfect
Guys, for the safespot system, the bot will run to the chosen map location (in the setup window that you select) until you select a safespot tile, once you set a safespot tile (using F7 key) the bot will always run there when banking etc. F8 will delete the safespot tile. The safespot tile is highlighted on the bot paint, too ^^
good luck all