Shilo village is not technically supported, I will definitely add it in the upcoming versions if everything works out flawlessly ^^
But if the script ever gets stuck while walking, just enable 'OSBot webwalker' in the walk settings menu (script settings interface). That is the client's default webwalking system and always works.
As for geodes, I will make the script bank all items which are called: "Clue geode (easy)", "Clue geode (medium)", "Clue geode (hard)", "Clue geode (elite)" in the next version.
Update v90 is now the latest version
- Made some changes to gem rock mining
- Mining speed is now faster, less delays
- Added an update for geodes
After this version I will be able to fully add shilo village support, the only problem was the high requirements for it otherwise the script would have supported it a long time ago