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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Okay almost finished with these bug reports I will post when I push the update, thanks guys ^^ Clear bug reports = faster updates, so this update will be much faster
  2. that's a good idea I will add support for bringing food upon trips in the next version ^^
  3. Okay no worries I have an update planned for bolts so hopefully that won't happen anymore either ^^ Also guys if you saved a fight profile at nieve's slayer cave, please delete it and make a new profile, the entire map changed which means the tiles are the old map's tiles and it may not work. Just a quick heads up
  4. really appreciate it let me know if there are any bugs or any suggestions for the script, tweaks/changes to be made etc @guywithlsd any luck with the script? Reached forum post like limit
  5. Ohh for safespot to be activated as an option you gotta enable ranged/mage mode, even if you don't use ranged/mode, e.g. halberd meleeing - just so the option becomes available. So enable ranged mode or mage mode, start the script, then the paint will show the option 'F6 - Set safespot tile', go to a tile, hit the f6 key, then the green tile will be painted over the tile and then let the script do the work
  6. Hmm turn off breaks if they are active - they seem to not be working. (client side issue) Did you enter the name of gargoyle npc correctly? Enter it Gargoyle not gargoyles or try enter it from nearby npcs by the add button (not add by name). Otherwise a client restart should solve it hopefully. I can't think of anything which will not let the script attack gargoyles, hmm did you check the console log? Safespot taking too long.. I don't understand. I just tested it man I'm not sure what the problem is, in fact I can argue that safespot is too quick: Explain the issue I will fix it ASAP, I don't like it if there are bugs but I need to be able to know what they actually are otherwise it will just be an endless cycle of searching for bug -> no bug found -> back to square 1 -> repeat Green tile = safespot I manually tried moving to another tile and the script immediately walked back Worldhop tile is the same as break tile, I ran out of F keys to assign a key for world hop so it shares the same as the breaks tile, I already mentioned it As for the other 2 bugs you mentioned I fixed them (the jogre/cyclops one). I am working on a mouse tile chooser so you can manage tiles much easier than using the F keys. I also fixed the goal level system bug a few versions back I will check out worldhopping while in combat though, I suppose you mean one-sided combat where the script is attacking an npc but it's not attacking the player back? EDIT: For the gargoyle and cannon post, can you fill out the bug report template on the main thread please? It's extremely difficult to reproduce bugs on an AIO script because there are many options which alter the script, many npcs, many fightzones etc.
  7. Yep it works just tested it, I think client breaks are broken though
  8. Will add dark crabs for the next update, should I make it bank to the nearest bank or add some type of teleport chooser + preferred bank tile chooser?
  9. No worries, I will give another trial once mirror client goes back online ^^
  10. Yeh it's fixed, thursday was just an osrs update and we had to wait for client to go back to normal (in case anybody was wondering) ^^
  11. Will make some tweaks to attaching bolt tips ASAP, update coming up (greater delay for waiting to fletch another set, and a quicker realization period for when fletching halts)
  12. Script should be back to normal after the thursday update As for ETA maximum 48 hours from now but it's almost finished Just need to finish, run a few tests and will push updates asap
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm okay I will add a stun delay chooser and a more accurate stun detection code, I just thought it's better to keep trying to pickpocket (to avoid combat) if it ever occurs. Rogues' den agility has been delayed guys I hate to say it I toggled off temporarily there is so much complexity with that course stay tuned I will not let you guys down
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Which agility course? Will test and add update ASAP. Does client restart + starting script at the start tile fix it? Confirm As for ban, I will make some changes to the anti-ban by adding a fatigue system, I always wanted to add a mistakes system (humanlike) too but it would lower xp and a lot of users may not be happy. Next update will be revolved around antibans but make sure you also read the preventing botting bans thread by the official devs too, even the best script in the world can't protect a botting strategy which is not the best. Stay tuned for the antiban update ^^
  15. Update should go live any moment now, and another quick follow-up update too, for banking (brass key) bug and a few other changes. EDIT: Brass key + tuna seems to be working if I don't block any bank items (temporary workaround until the script update v192 goes live) For gdk you must use the plugin otherwise the script will not work whatsoever. I added a warning popup in the setup interface in the latest update. Lemme know if you used the plugin and still no item looting or teleporting, I will re-test to make sure. As for ankous there is an option to only fight your selected npcs and another option to avoid retaliating to other npcs. There is also an option for fighting alongside cannon (e.g. fighting ogres while cannon is active). There is also an option to safespot with cannon, hmm I guess I gotta make some changes to the setup interface for more user friendly/simplicity, some options can be easily missed As for world hopping I will re-test and add an update asap. For rock crabs did you make sure to start script with chosen arrows already equipped, if so which ammo? I will convert over the manual arrow chooser from the gdk to the rock crabs plugin in the coming update. Stay tuned guys I will be editing this post momentarily Edit: activated all trials gl guys. Will also be adding dba mode for crabs plugin too, including banking for 10k coins for crabclaw isle mode. Hopefully I haven't missed anything, for a re-cap of the latest update check out the previous page. V193 will be pushed later today and v192 (current latest update) should go live automatically any moment now
  16. Hmm try turning off the blocked deposit item (brass key) and just making it a normal item it should work. In the meantime I will code a quick patch. Breaks sorta work but you gotta restart the client if you stop the script should be fixed by devs pretty soon since it only affects some users Activated trials gl guys
  17. Guys, I recently posted a new update (v100) adding the new fishing spots at Land's end in zeah, update should go live within 24 hours. Please make sure to use the Zeah webwalker for zeah fishing only! You will see what I mean when the script launches
  18. Other scripters and scripts have also reported the breaks issue happening randomly I will check out what's going on o_O activated trials gl guys
  19. I couldn't test ardy mining yet because of the cloak level requirements. Anybody know the exact option on the cape to teleport to the monastery? e.g. for ring of dueling it's 'Castle wars Ring of dueling (8)' I can release a beta version of the ardy cloak plugin by guessing the menu option for teleporting ^^ The rest I can test as normal. EDIT: Menu option is 'Kandarin Monastery', update coming up Activated trials gl guys
  20. Czar


    Script should be back to normal following the recent osrs update (In response to all posts on thursday!)
  21. Hmm extreme is the other expired magic script, maybe you didn't buy this script at all? very bad choice indeed since the script got abandoned by their scripter I will give you 1 week trial to make gp and make enough to buy the script (~7m rsgp)
  22. New Update (v192) - Scrapped the auto ammo detector for GDK and added an ammo input box so you can manually set the ammo and the script will not confuse it - Added support for the dungeon expansion after thursday's update (many dungeon maps were changed) - Added fail-safe for magic spells and autocasting - Added an update to goal leveling (evenly) - Added 'npcs killed' statistic for paint - Added fightzone saving to profile upon script termination (once you stop the script it will save) - Added an extra info popup when attempting to start the script without a plugin (e.g. trying to fight rock crabs without the plugin will show a warning before starting script, instead of just stopping script automatically) Features which are currently being worked on for the upcoming versions: - Expansion to NMZ plugin - Dynamic signatures (highscores for the script) is nearing release, still need to code some more statistics (e.g. items looted, profit gained, xp gained etc) and it's done - Finishing off GDK plugin adding all the final details and features and taking it out of beta and onto full-release - Elder chaos druid plugin - Tile selection interface to neatly organize all custom tiles set (break tile, logout tile, safespot tile, dmm escape tile) etc - Action queue for prioritizing all script actions (alching, pray flicking, drinking potions, eating, reloading cannon) etc - Start on slayer plugin (finally) - Full rock/sand crab crash detection (accurately detect when a player is crashing your tile) instead of simply detecting if another player is in combat near your tile.. thanks guys, update will go live within 24 hours gl everyone. please keep the suggestions/bug reports/ideas coming
  23. Splashing and alching at the same time? edit: Script is lifetime, are you sure you are using the correct osbot forum account? Also check the in-client script browser, the script may not show in the forum script selector, but it will show in the client script browser. If still not there then pm maldesto it should be handled very fast
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