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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Yep sand crabs is in the patch list for v200, it's almost ready I will post a full changelog in the coming hours. As for trial, activated trial hopefully it becomes activated as there is a 10 trial limit, I will remove the earliest trial from another user if it's full
  2. Minnows will be added in the upcoming version, as for FT - you are referring to fishing trawler minigame right? I can't make any promises but I will be looking into it ^^
  3. Okay guys, will be upgrading the door handling and npc attacking system (in account of the camera movement), in the meantime make sure to set mouse zoom to far away (in rs settings tab) and toggle roofs off for better npc + door visibility. Update coming up ^^
  4. hmm okay so the script is retaliating to hellhounds, go to the misc tab and enable the 'Avoid attacking non-chosen npcs' option. As for safespot, I will add a QOL update for that to the update list ^^
  5. Please guys if you have a legit bug with this script use the bug report template on the main thread (copy + paste) and fill out please, it will make the updates go much much faster, in the meantime I am currently debugging some user feedback right now. If the bug is not found there is a risk of the bug not being fixed totally, e.g. if the bug is not happening to me or partially happening to me I am only able to fix what I am experiencing, so please tell me how to make the bug happen, keep in mind: combining too many options can make the script behave completely uniquely. Also please check out the misc tab for more features, the script has some checkboxes which allow you to control the script better (e.g. there was a user which asked why the script is attacking other monsters than the chosen ones - there's an option to disable it) etc. I am currently going over the last 2 pages of this thread and will post the new changelog for update v200. It's a larger update with much more time spent on testing and perfecting so you'll definitely be happy with this one ^^
  6. screenshot the exact settings that were enabled in the fighter setup interface. I will use the same settings, test and add an update. in the meantime stop script, restart client and use the script with no settings enabled, just select fire giants and tell me if it still works. It's working for me right now ^^
  7. Hmm strange, any errors in console log? Which exact setup, what's the actual error, I will test at fire giants to make sure but if it worked once and randomly didn't, there must've been an error in the console log or something, stay tuned for an update ^^
  8. Update v81 is now the latest update, should go live within 24 hours good luck guys Activated all trials
  9. Hmm the script already attacks monsters and portals, I can add an option to pursue both monsters and portals equally though, with randomization of course. As for gates, hmm I will make the script randomly walk to areas to find npcs, and make it randomly open gates if player hasn't moved in a variable amount of seconds, update coming up ^^ Activated trials gl guys
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done activated trials gl guys Also note to VIP client users: make sure to stay logged out while hooking the osrs client to the vip client, then login, start script. This will make the script work much better ^^
  11. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hmm canifis is working well with readyclick off, mouse zoom set to maximum, roofs toggled off, < make sure to read script instructions in main thread. If the script ever gets stuck at any point, please screenshot the exact tile and I will re-map the path ASAP. So far so good I will be running the script for more hours just in case. activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v163) - Patch for pickpocketing while inventory full - Silk stalls, baker stalls and silver stalls fixed for banking in ardy - Added an update for blackjacking and eating - Added an update for custom stun delay - Added custom runaway tile selector - Misc. fixes in response to posts within the last 2 pages update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck guys ^^
  13. An update is coming up to make retrieving bars code better than it already is, stay tuned guys Activated trials gl EDIT: Update v27 has been added, should go live within 24 hours gl guys Gold ore stopping script should be fixed, it's not supported with GE yet though.
  14. Ugh gimme one more try I will test cannon again with the same options, apologies guys As for crabs and aggro, turn on auto-retaliate option, make sure its enabled otherwise the script isn't allowed to re-attack in non-botting mode As for brutal dragons plugin whats the issue? Some users reporting that it works others say it doesn't work, will test again to make sure V199 update is live, will edit this post asap
  15. User feedback update coming up, stay tuned ^^
  16. With the cursing speed I'm a bit worried because some users prefer different speeds but I have a solution: I will re-introduce the input box to let users select the cursing speed manually, e.g. every X milliseconds cast the spell. Activated trial refresh scripts and good luck ^^
  17. Will be working on the tan leather spell since it needs some more improvement I guess, update incoming Activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  18. Webwalker should be up to scratch following the latest osbot client patch ^^ activated all trials gl guys
  19. Update v26 has just been finished, update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Activated all trials gl guys
  20. Make sure to have gp in inventory ^^
  21. Make sure to set food and have some food in inventory even if not required, just so the script's anti-danger system won't trigger ^^
  22. Should be patched in the next version, which fight zone? I will test + add an update asap ^^
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