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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Always wanted this update, will be doing some tests, I can't test for input enable/disable though cuz it never happened to me
  2. IIRC, use default osrs client instead of osbuddy for better results with mirror client ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @Han what did you set the stun timer to? Npcs all have different stun delays, as for webwalking I will most likely reduce the delays for action timer so the webwalker goes faster I guess, which webwalk option? Activated trials gl guys
  4. I thought of move mouse outside screen too but some highly skilled scripters and client editors are saying mouse movements are never sent back to jagex servers so they don't matter, only clicks do. I will offer the option in the script but I really hope it has a positive effect at all
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Mouse zoom set to far away and roofs toggled off? I will have to edit the click bounds of the rough wall objects again I guess. EDIT: @Swedens did you enable readyclick mode? It's not compatible with some courses, please confirm. I will run some tests for al-kharid ASAP. Which objects/obstacles specifically take longer to overcome?
  6. Will be doing a hotfix for taverley and slayer cave ASAP, in the meantime please try using another webwalking option out of the 4 options, it may work on the others while I repair the main one ^^
  7. Activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  8. It does pick them up but you gotta equip the arrows you wish to loot, so the script launch detects them ^^ For food, you need to set some food in the inventory loadout system (setup interface) so the script's anti danger knows what to do when low hp (eat food) ^^
  9. Activated all trials gl guys Will add an update for walking in first level of stronghold, and an update for AFK mode banking, will need to test first then push an update. Will edit this post with the new changelog ^^
  10. Activated all trials gl guys
  11. It should re-log after logging out but make sure to download the latest osbot client there was an update for the auto-login code. ^^ Update for tan leather is almost ready for committing ^^
  12. I will rewrite tan leather again, there is no way to check inventory without opening it that's why the tan leather spell is more complex, I will have to add a counter system and hope the user's client doesn't mess up, perhaps an anti idle system too. Update coming up, trials all activated gl guys ^^
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated all trials gl guys Hmm pickpocketing knights seems to be working, including sticky npc mode, will run some more tests to make sure but everything seems fine For sticky npc, you need to hit the F1 key, then click on an npc, then the script will start pickpocketing, please read instructions!! ^^
  14. Update v82 was pushed yesterday so it should automatically go live today, good luck everyone ^^ Activated all trials gl
  15. Will make some changes to when the d-pickaxe special gets activated asap. As for moving around, the script is programmed to try and be more random for anti-ban, but I can definitely make some tweaks As for depositing all then withdrawing hammer I may add an option for that, may also increase anti-ban, I just thought the usual way that every player does it, is deposit ores and continue mining Will be working on the next version update, stay tuned guys
  16. Any errors in the log? I will see what is wrong, usually a client restart solves it but also make sure mouse zoom is set to far away. Lemme know which gui settings you enabled so I can do some bug testing for the next update ^^
  17. Done activated trials good luck guys ^^
  18. Should be back to normal following the osrs and osbot client updates (disable input break) ^^
  19. Czar


    Done activated all trials gl guys yep arrow buying is supported, just keep the shop interface open and the script will buy
  20. Which exact route/tile should I make the script go to? I will begin coding it asap, confirm it please Activated trials gl guys, yep ZMI is supported
  21. Activated all trials good luck everyone Yep scripts can be purchased with OSRS gp using a forum voucher (trade a trusted member 5m and they will give you 5.00$ store credit on this forum :D)
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