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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Which exact route/tile should I make the script go to? I will begin coding it asap, confirm it please Activated trials gl guys, yep ZMI is supported
  2. Activated all trials good luck everyone Yep scripts can be purchased with OSRS gp using a forum voucher (trade a trusted member 5m and they will give you 5.00$ store credit on this forum :D)
  3. New Update (v45) - Added an update for abby nats - Added an update for banking after teleporting to house Still have yet to update the house amulet name, although I have added a temporary workaround for it Update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck everyone ;)
  4. Buy now lifetime (only $4.99!) by Czar Proggies: Instructions There are no instructions. We do the all the work for you. CzarScripting™ Tips Make sure to set food in your setup window! Don't bot more than 12 hours a day! It's not humanlike! Features: - All locations supported, including Crab Claw Isle - Banking support - All combat types supported (ranged, all ammo + ranging types, including looting) - Activity Slider -- choose 4 different activity settings from: (Afk my position, Afk any generated position, Attack visible/active crabs only, Full activity/attack all) - Aggression Slider -- choose from 4 different aggression settings: (Only retaliate to crabs, Attack people's crabs when none are found, Attack all crabs, ONLY attack other people's crabs) - Tasked levelling - allows you to set level goals and switch attack styles to raise different skills, e.g. set goals to 50 70 70, from current stats 44 51 55, it will reach the goal stats. - Skill Priority: you can choose in which order to raise the stats, e.g. lowest first, nearest to goal first, top->bottom, bottom->top, level-up evenly, etc. - Customized Stop Conditions: stop script when a certain condition is met, e.g. reached goal stats, killed X crabs, time passed, ran out of equipment, items, etc. - Simple (on user's side) inventory layout chooser consistent with all my scripts -> 1 button copies inventory layout and saves it - World hop support, with player count chooser -- World hop customization: allows you to choose which tile to hop worlds from -- Break tile chooser: allows you to choose which tile to break on, ~3 minutes before breaks trigger - 'Non-botting' mode (very popular): allows you to afk the script and technically not bot at all: the script will display jframe popups (and beep) when crabs are no longer aggressive which will prompt the user to manually refresh the crabs by walking up - Item looting, including rare drop table option - Potion support (all potion types) - Crab refreshing by walking out of the region Coming soon Anti-Crash detection (still need to pump out beta version) Gallery
  5. Activated all trials good luck guys, will be working on stronghold webwalking ASAP. ^^ EDIT: For the more unpopular locations and discrete locations, try changing the webwalking setting upon script startup, it should work ^^
  6. Dragon harpoon coming up, along with a drop system improvement in the upcoming update ^^ Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  7. Update incoming, will edit this post with the new changelog ASAP, stay tuned guys ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done activated trials good luck guys ^^ As for casting spells during agility, I am currently re-writing the script to allow user to do any action (even non-magic) actions while doing agility, just for future purposes. Stay tuned guys
  9. Activated all trials good luck guys ^^ Just added a new update (v28) script should work much better than before. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours gl guys Will continue listening to user feedback and add more updates
  10. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    New Update (v146) - Added an update for the ending obstacle on every course (rooftops too) - Seers teleport is now triggered earlier, this should improve the anti-ban Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys Activated all trials good luck guys ^^
  11. New Update (v81) - Added failsafe for emptying empty pouches (no longer does it) - Added failsafe for no dueling rings or any equipment left, script will now stop (had to re-write this system) - Death altar improvements - Added 'eat X food' on banking trips - Magic imbue and fire/lava improvements - Added patch for sometimes opening/closing bank if user configured bank layout incorrectly Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck everyone
  12. Yeah the client auto login feature is messed up, it affects all scripts and it should be patched by the client developers ASAP, all we can do is wait but it shouldn't take too long As for asgarnian caves I am able to add a hotfix which doesn't require an actual script update, will fix asap and let you know when to restart the script so the changes take affect. Once I fix I will post. ^^
  13. Hmm if script is unresponsive, and if using VIP client, restart and hook the client while logged out, then log in, then start the script. If not using VIP client then ignore It should be working, does a client restart solve it? (non-vip client) Any news on BBD plugin? I made some changes, v0.0 is a temporary version I just wanted to experiment some code to see if there were improvements in the areas which are untestable, I am currently working on v203 as we speak, listening to all user posts. Top priority: BBD plugin, GDK plugin deathwalking, safespotting tab (bonus tab in gui), cannoning plugin, looting changes, slayer, and other user feedback (small bugfixes here and there). I have noted every single post since the last thread page and added it to my To-Do list for v203, rest assured the script will just get improvements over time, no matter how many times it takes it to get right (i'm talking about the more complex bugs), it will definitely be coded ^^
  14. Sounds good, looks like cannon mode is seeing improvements already in v202 As for the stronghold of security warning messages, I will add support for them but in the meantime please turn warnings off in the warning settings on rs ^^
  15. Just testing bbd plugin once more and I'm pushing the new update. Don't worry I haven't missed out any user feedback whatsoever (within the last page). Thanks to those of you who offered bug report templates it really makes bug fixing faster. And thank you to those offering to lend accounts for bbd plugin coding EDIT: If npcs are attacking you and the script is retaliating to the wrong npcs, turn on 'only attack my npcs' in the Misc.1 tab If special attacks are being used even if you didn't enable them, make sure you didn't save them on a profile and loaded the profile with special attacks enabled B2p tabs are added to the action queue it should work but you need to set b2p tabs in the inventory loadout, avoid setting peaches and it should be fine, as well as enabling the b2p option in misc tab. As for cannons and refilling, is the script not refilling due to being far away from the cannon? If so I added a failsafe for that. I added a few other safety checks and anti-idle checks to cannoning so it should be much better in v202. More slayer npcs have been added too. Other than that, I already mentioned everything else in my last two posts, these are just the newer ones Giant keys, newer items (totems etc) have also been fixed finally:
  16. The script does not support 81 ore mode yet (full sack mode), the thread doesn't even say it does.. but it's being worked on ^^ If you wanna avoid bans, you gotta read the avoiding bans thread by the dev: Activated trials gl guys ^^
  17. - Top->Bottom tasked levelling will be patched asap - Special attack on/off button will be added to crab plugin - Saradomin gs spec will be tested + patched - Caskets and giant key will be investigated again, for some reason they are not being added to the list. - B2P will be re-introduced to the script following the action queue system update As for BBD plugin and testing with main, that would be wonderful, I am really hoping to get the BBD plugin flawless, many users would benefit from this ^^ If anybody has an account that can fight bbd's let me know please. Will only need for 1-2 hours max. Will give 2 months of any 3 scripts of mine for free Last update was (still pending update): - rockslug/gargoyle fixes - bbd changes (still not flawless) - gdk banking changes - guthans and custom attack style setting - crab plugin changes - alching failsafes - delays for teleporting Update v202 will be out very soon, hopefully no trouble. apologies for any inconvenience. The plugin coding is really taking up all the development time, it's impossible to make the code flawless without being able to test it. I will most likely pump out mini subversion updates as I go along, e.g. v201.1, .2, .3 and so on, patching small features and just submitting them so that we don't have to wait for the entire update to go through.
  18. Will check out diamond tips + addy bolts. As for headless arrows delay I will reduce it, how many seconds should I make it? Activated all trials good luck guys
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