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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Quoting so this post doesn't get lost Yes master/worker works for multiple bots, just enter the same master name and different worker bots, the worker name doesn't matter just ignore it, leave it blank if you want ^^ I really appreciate all the support thank you guys, please don't forget to post bug report templates they really really help and they make updates much faster and easier
  2. Czar


    Script is now VIP script, all VIP users have access to this script for free, good luck guys ^^
  3. You gotta start the pest control script outside of a game, then it will work normally ^^ Activated all trials gl guys don't forget to mention which script to trial, some users are forgetting :P
  4. Added an update for banking routine (mainly abyss) glories, misclicking, and lava runes, will be adding some more changes over the next day or so - Added shift click dropping for emptying pouches! - Glory deposit all fixed - Lava runes improved - Astral runes deposit fixed - Glory teleport misclick avoiding - Added delay to negotiating an abyss obstacle Latest version: v85, update will automatically go live within 24 hours Apologies guys! For future reference, if you have ANY bug, please fill out the bug report template so I know how to catch the bug, otherwise if I run the script with default settings, it works, how am I supposed to find the bug? You also have to state which GUI settings you enabled, food/potions/pouches will affect how the script operates and it will change the way it works completely. Also some of you are saying please do this please do this without actually stating the problem - I cannot read minds..
  5. For super potions and sand crabs, make sure to load the potion in inventory loadout, I will add a backup fix for it as I did in my standalone sand crab script. Update coming up As for equipping after death, make sure to have your normal gear equipped before + during starting the script, so the script knows what to equip ^^ As for walking and stronghold, it works but it depends where you set the fight tile to, if you set it to an invalid tile (an object tile or an obstacle for example) the script will not support that As for GDK returning to bank, which exact setup options did you enable? Which teleports etc so I can test with the same options. Also, does the bug happen all the time or randomly? Guys there is a bug template form at the end of the first post of this thread, filling out the bug report template results in MUCH faster updates
  6. Check firewall/antivirus settings, it seems to be a false-positive
  7. Any errors in the console log? If so please paste them
  8. Set your windows text zoom to 125% or 100% (one of them I can't remember which ) if you are on 125 set it to 100, and vice versa
  9. thanks for the rune pouch snippet, really useful!
  10. Activated trials gl guys As for shift drop, yep just make sure to enable the option in your rs settings tab
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Returning to ham is still not supported, because all you gotta do is equip full ham and they won't kick you out ^^ Blackjacking has been improved since the original beta, when did you last try it? If you tried it recently then hmm tell me what you would like to be changed/improved ^^
  12. I guess the barricade mode is a much needed update, will be working on a way to balance the activity level ^^
  13. Enjoy guys, those two scripts have been crazy popular from the start but it's time to give them for VIP If I am going to do another vip script soon, it may be a stronghold script or a totally new script I haven't done yet (zeah/fossil related)
  14. How do you mean, explain please, I will definitely add to script @Rooierd activated another trial, good luck
  15. Check out this thread for preventing botting bans:
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Guys make sure to choose the second webwalking option for banking, it should be much better Script currently pickpockets knights flawlessly, try choosing a different webwalk option when banking ^^ As for paladin chests, I only made it thieve from one chest, I can easily add the second chest Activated all trials gl guys
  17. Czar


    Glad you are enjoying the script, activated all trials gl guys
  18. Activated temporary auth until payment gets processed, gl guys activated all trials too Yew at woodcutting guild are supported, make sure to enable manual tree selection mode
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